Chapter 8

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Sinnek, Migor and Mevin watched as the new king banged his fists against the table. “There are so many problems! I have even heard that Tarbor was invaded by rebels! Those rebels rebelled against my evil father, but how will I appease them? Then there are all those stupid old men that give me grive daily, saying I need to increase taxes or the soldiers will not get their money and get angry. Those b*stards probably let all the money disappear into their own pockets! Now news has come that a village was destroyed by monsters! Where did they come from, and why are they acting now?!What is going on?! Maybe I'm just cursed to fail in ruling.” Thunin lowered his head onto the table.

“Don't say that.” Sinnek walked closer to the young king to comfort him. “Naresh has a lot of corruption and problems that have heaped up in Xullion's rule. Now, as the new king, you will have it hard, but with the right plans and projects, things can get back in order.”

“What plans do you have, old man? I'm feeling very discouraged now.” Thunin sighed.

“First, you clear out the corruption here, in the capital. For that you will need man-power, and a good plan.” Sinnek smiled slightly. “And I have the right plan in my head.”

Thunin lifted up his head hopefully at the white-haired, wrinkled, old man.

“Fire! Fire!” Leiha yelled in anger. Those monsters were smarter than they thought. They were still
far from Dragoor and Vedor, but they had already been repeatedly ambushed.

Dion managed to get one Leapcat in the eye, while Zunok threw a burning ball of bound together rags at the cat.

The cats fur started burning and it screeched terribly in pain.

“Behind!” Iaven's calm voice echoed through the woods as she let two arrows loose.

Five Wioths were storming at her companions unprotected backs. With Iaven's timely waring they were soon killed off.

“We haven't seen any other animals yet. I wonder if we will meet a corrupted bear again...” Dion mumbled deep in thought.

The last time he had been mauled by such a corrupted bear and almost
died, but was saved through the dragon-scale bracelet. He really didn't want to meet such a creature again. He still had nightmares about that monster.

“Don't worry, Dion. If it comes, we know how to kill it.” Thon thumped Dion on the back.

“What's that noise up ahead?” Leiha narrowed her eyes.

“It sounds like, like... some kind of snarling and crunching?” Tunrir wondered with a fearful face.

“I'll go ahead, and look.” Iaven appeared beside Leiha. Leiha nodded reluctantly and Iaven agilely ran
forward. That girl was immensely talented for a human, and had proved herself repeatedly.

Thon looked nervously at were Iaven had disappeared between the tree trunks.

After a few short second Iaven was back. Her mattered black hair hung in her face, covering numerous scares that littered her face.

Nobody could see her expression, but her tone surprised them.

“It's...something I have never seen before.” Iaven was afraid. Terrified. Nobody had ever seen her like this. “It is”

Everyone was shocked silent.

“It is eating, eating Wioths and Leapcats...” Iaven shuddered at the memory.

“That sounds unusual...” Leiha was worried. “How does it look?”

“It is red, with some purple stripes. It has sharp teeth, like a beast, and its shoulders reach over my head. I didn't look at it long, but I think it killed them with its black hooves. It looks surprisingly beautiful, if monstrous.” Iaven shook her head in confusion.

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