Chapter 23

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The Day of The Tournament

3rd POV

Today is the day the Tournament starts, 4 Idols that have been selected will participate in the Tournament. 

Host: Finally, The day has come, The 4 selected idols will compete in the Final Tournament.

Host: The first day there will be a performance between Nijino Yume from Four Star Academy and Kizaki Rei from Venus Ark, and the second day there will be a performance between Kasumi Mahiru from Four Star Academy and Elza Forte from Venus Ark.

Host: Whoever wins on the first and second day will perform in the final round later. So, who will be the Champion.









Rei: Sorry for inviting me.

Mahiru: No problem, and also how things are in Venus Ark?

Rei: So bad, even during the attack a week ago, Elza-sama was still cold to all of us.

Mahiru: I see, so Venus Ark will be shut down, huh.

Rei: I'll never that will be happen, Elza-sama has paved the way and become our light, but...

Mahiru: Then you must be their light, I'm sure you can do it, even Yuka-san!

Rei: Yuka...san?

Mahiru: Maybe he's not around us right now, but I'm sure that Yuka-san definitely won't let that happen. and I'm sure his departure from the Venus Ark as well as S4's Academy he had true reasons for us.




Four Star Academy

Yume: Nee... Hime-senpai, have you ever felt like this when Yuka-san are not with you?

Hime: Once, That time when we held the Aikatsu Island event before, when the storm came suddenly and then disappeared, and when I was in my room I felt like Yuka-san was near me, even though it was like a dream to me.

Yume: EH! Really? 

Hime: Yes, I think he's watching us from afar indirectly now. And he always fulfills his promise even though it's hard for him.

Yume: I see, so Yuka-san is trully a man on your eyes, right Hime senpai.

Hime: Always, Yume-chan.







After some time passed, finally the appearance for the first day of the Final Tournament started too. The first round will be started by Nijino Yume, after that Kizaki Rei. 

Yume: Rei-san, let's do our best.

Rei: Yeah, Nijino Yume.

Several Minutes Later....





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