Chapter 14

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Several Days Later..
Yuka POV

Yuka: Then, You got on the ship and got caught? *mad* Then the photo you took was took by Kisaki Rei, and when you came back you forgot to bring the camera back, right?

Ako: I-IM'M SO SORRY! (kneel)

Yuka: *sigh* I don't know what to say, even though you are willing to swim to get there. But that camera is not mine, instead I borrowed it from the Academy.

Ako: In that case, try our best to not let the principal know, and we can ask them to bring the cameras back when they get back here.

Yuka: That must my word, Saotome AKO! My task what I gave to you is easy, you know!?

Ako try to resist... even I don't do anything.

Yuka: Right, the three of them will temporarily return tomorrow, tell them, got it!


No use I angry to her, So I let Ako go to do her work, while I have to rush to prepare for the event that Yuzu wants.


Photograph Session......

Mahiru POV

There was a shooting schedule that I had to fulfill in Japan, and my Chief editor said, a long-lost famous Shooting Star model has returned and will be here. But somehow I know who's coming later.

Chief Editor: Everyone, finally the Shooting Star will coming. Stand by everyone!

Mahiru: (mind) finally, I can know how Shooting Star's face looks like.

???: Hello.

And it turns out that person is Kisaki Rei, I'm not surprised because....


the time when there is an intruder.

Rei: This way.

Mahiru: Hey, wait.. *drop*

Rei: (turn back) Hey, are you okay?

Mahiru: Y-Yeah.

Rei: The left and right shoes have a different height? You must have a hard time keeping your balance.


Mahiru: I'm not surprised if that's you, Rei-san.

Rei: I see, so you already noticed.

Chief Editor: Alright, let's roll now.




Finally the shooting was over, when we were all having a break, Elza-san came to meet Rei-san but Elza-san said something that made Rei-san feel disturbed about it. And also Ako-chan asked us to bring the camera she left in the Venus Ark.

Return to Venus Ark

Yume: Hey Rei-san, are you okay after Elza-san say something like that to you?

Rei: I'm sorry for the trouble, maybe you still remember the story that I told you before.

Yume: Yeah, about the model who suddenly hiatus.

Mahiru: And that person is you, Kisaki Rei. However, what does that have to do with before?

Rei: When I'm still a model I have always been praised by many people, but when I met Elza-sama my outlook completely changed, but Elza-sama seemed to see the light of change in me, therefore now I always follow Elza-sama.

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