Chapter 13

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Yume's room at Venus Ark

Yume POV

Finally the three of us arrived at the Venus Ark, and I also met my best friend, Nanakura Koharu who previously studied at Four Star Academy. The headmaster asked us to learn about the Star Premium Coord in the Venus Ark. He said that the exchange of students could help us find out about the Star Premium Coord.

Yume: (grab on Hime's smartwatch) Hime-senpai, I promise I will definitely have Star Premium Coord.


???: Nijino Yume. come out we're gonna take me around the Venus Ark.

Yume: HAI!

The three of us were taken to tour the Venus Ark, such as the location, the learning activities of the students, and what was in the Venus Ark. Rei-san and Elza-san also gave lessons too for the students who were practicing.

A few moments later....

Rei: This is another student room, (point at the deck) and there is a deck room for the staff working here.

Kirara: But you mustn't go into that dark room there(point at dark place). because there were rumors from students that passed through it something terrible was there.

Yume: Heee.. Interesting, can we greet the staff there, Rei-san?

Rei: Of course.

Rei-san and Kirara-san escorted us to greet the Venus Ark staff, but there was one thing that bothered me.

Rei: Ah Wait the minute, I just want to warn you, don't ever enter that room.(point at room number 08).

Mahiru: Why? 

Rei: Elza-sama order us to not allow that room because the room is forbidden for students here including existing staff.

Yume: Forbidden? it Strange, what's happen over there before?

Rei: About that-

Elza: Better you not told them, Rei-san.

Everyone: Elza-san/Elza-sama!

Elza-san coming from behind us.

Elza: Now, y'all must go back to your room first.


Yume: Nee Koharu-chan, did you know something about a staff room number 08?

Koharu: Don't know, Elza-sama also didn't told me anything.

Yume: That was strange, (got an idea) Ah I know, why don't we just ask the staff here.

Koharu: Yume-chan, I think we better-

Yume: YOSH! tomorrow I will find out what exactly happened in that room.


Yume: AAAHhhhhh, it useless, nobody know what's happen about staff room number 08.

Laura: Yume, Why are you so curious about that room? we better forget it.

Yume: Maybe you're right. 



Yuzu POV

Yuka: What do you want, Yuzu?

Yuzu: I want to create an event for both Academy and Venus Ark.

Yuka: *nodded* Yeah, then?

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