Chapter 17

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This is a story about when Elza Forte and Yuka met for the first time.


3rd POV

Beautiful beaches, cool breeze, hot sunshine, sights that can't be missed for visiting tourists, Okinawa. A place where for visitors outside of Japan is a place with amazing resorts that are served for tourists.But behind the beauty of Okinawa that exists, from behind the dark shadows there are still things of crime there but this can be covered very well because security in Okinawa is very tight, but there is one thing or another that they cannot overcome even if they are superior police.

Elza Forte, a girl who at a young age has become a great Idol, and the founder of her brand Perfect Queen and the CEO of the Idol school are located on a large ship called Venus Ark, and have the ambition to become the Perfect idol in the world. Now, Elza visits Okinawa to freshen up from all her work.

Elza: Okinawa, one of the most suitable vacation spots when I visited Japan.

Butler: Elza-sama, I'm just reminding you that there are several schedules that must be fulfilled in Okinawa including your appearance.

Elza: I know, we are here not only for vacation, but we are also looking for someone who has the best potential.





Other place

Yuka: WOW! that's a huge ship!! there must be a lot of things can take in there.

Yuka, a man who has no family surname, he lives in Okinawa as a thief to survive, along with his allies they all work together to commit crimes such as pickpocketing, looting, and even robbing a place they consider a treasure point. No one knows about Yuka's past before living in Okinawa from all of her allies.

The crimes committed by Yuka were so clean that even the superior security officers couldn't catch Yuka at all. Until when Yuka is attracted to a giant ship in Okinawa which is the Venus Ark, he and his allies planned to loot anything they could get their hands on in the Venus Ark.

Yuka: Hey, boss. I have a plan, listen.

Boss: Hah!? what's that?

Yuka: You see that big ship (point at Venus Ark), how about we try to rob the ship?

Boss: Hoho, that a great plan, try to tell the others to get ready.

Yuka: Understood.

Yuka went to rush to gather the others and make plans to rob the ship later that night but she doesn't know what happens when it comes to allies.


Time Skip... Night

Elza POV

Okinawa, thank you for whatever you guys serve me, I really appreciate it. Now is the time for me to perform for Okinawa residents and visitors alike.

Butler: Elza-sama, get ready fot your performance.

Elza: I understood.


Elza: Let me show you the meaning of perfect.





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