"Why are you here? Are you perhaps a trainee now?" I asked, genuinely shocked since as far as I'm aware, Aera hated being called a trainee or even an idol. She told me once that all she wanted to do is produce and write songs, and not the one who'll be performing it. But, if she did suddenly change her mind, it wouldn't be that much of a shocker. Aera is really talented, especially in singing, and her looks are very idol like, so she does fit this role.

"Well, I heard YG entertainment will be debuting a new group, so I came here to be their producer. I know, I'm so cool, right?"

New girl group's... producer?

I gasped before clasping my hands with hers right away. I haven't been this excited ever since me and my members went to play in the snow. I don't know, I just feel so happy knowing that someone as talented as Aera will be our producer.

"Now, call your members. We need to let them hear the beats I've been working on," Aera instructed, so I immediately took my phone and sent a message to our group chat so that everybody will be informed. I just hope they'll come faster.

"By the way, where will we listen to it?" I asked, since I don't know if she's allowed to use a studio here. Most studios here are given to artists only.

"The Black Label." She's from the Black Label?! Oh well, come to think of it, as I'm observing Aera, she really does resemble the people there. They're all unique. Actually if I ever get to see Aera and Somi together, it'll look like they're the korean version of Enid and Wednesday personality wise.

"No wonder you're so cool, you're from the Black Label!" A familiar voice exclaimed, and I wasn't even that surprise when I saw that it was Eunkyung. Following behind her were the other members... alongside Kana. I guess I have to get use to seeing her everyday too. Although, I really don't know what to feel if she ever moves in with us in our dorm, after all she did to me, it only brought back some painful memories from the past trainees who did exactly what she's doing to me now.

"What's with the pink hair? Are you an idol wannabe?"

Eunkyung and Aera who were joking around became silent after hearing what Kana suddenly asked Aera about. I felt eyebrow twitching after I heard her question. I don't know if she's actually dumb, or if she's doing all of these on purpose just so she could piss other people off. Kana really is weird. Not the type of weird you'll consider as being unique, but just annoyingly weird.

All this time, I've been trying my best to befriend her just so she wouldn't feel left out, but now? I don't know what to feel about her anymore. I'm trying my best for it not to be anger, since living in anger doesn't help me at all. I guess, I'm just done with her.

"Babe, if you want decent lines, don't go around and annoy me, okay? I'm your group's main producer. And wait, shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Are you an idol wannabe? Because from what I remember, the producers said I'll only be handling five girls." I saw eunkyung trying not to laugh after hearing what Aera said, and I could only feel a bit bad for Kana. If I was the one Aera saying all that to, I don't know if I would still be able to move forward in life. Aera is really scary when she's pissed off.

"Maybe they realized that she's the odd one out that's why they said there are only five girls!" I was shocked when Kana suddenly pointed at me, her cheeks were red, maybe from embarrassment, it was Aera's specialty after all. But, what the heck? Why am I suddenly thrown into the fight? Couldn't she think of any other people to point fingers at whenever something bad happens to her?

"Hmm? No way. They actually said to make sure that this odd girl to have the killing part since she's the best in what she do. But of course, you don't know that." I gasped after hearing what Aera just said. I know that she might just be blabbering about anything just to annoy Kana, but what she's doing now could also affect me. So, I did my best to stop them from arguing.

"Let's stop and just go to the black label building, hmm? Come on now, no fighting." It wasn't me who stopped them though, it was Hiraya. I let out a sigh of relief after the two finally stopped arguing. Thank God we have Hiraya with us right now, or else, I don't know what could've happen.

But, now that I'm remembering what Aera said a while ago about being told that she'll only handle five girls, then why was Kana not sent back to Japan alongside the other trainees who came here?

Chills run down my spine as I was reminded of what happened to the other trainees, especially to Min Jee eonnie. But, it can't happen again, right? The company's not trying to replace any one of us with Kana, right? Besides, we had already started taking pictures and videos, and even uploading covers on the internet without letting others see our faces, so it would be weird for them to suddenly change the course they have for us, right?

That'd be absurd, right?

to be continued. . .

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