Lil Baby

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Kia's pov: I was hanging wit' my best friend Zuriyah. We were at a party with some of our other friends when we heard a commotion goin on. We went over and saw that there was a group of people there, they were looking at someone. We went to see who they were looking at. Then, I mentally screamed. It was Lil Baby! I got closer and saw his security arrying to get everyone away from him. I used to work at a store as a security guard so I kind of knew what to do. "Y'all move along now! Stop bein nosy damn!" I called. Nobody said nothing, they just parted and let him through. He looked up at me and winked. I blushed and smiled at him. I was a complete fan and "simp" as my friends called it. He walked over to me. "Whats good shawty." that got me outa my thoughts. "Oh hi." I said. I was mentally freaking the fuck out and I was not about to show that I was about to die. "You alone here?" "Kind of. I came here with my friend but she went somewhere." "You want a drink?" I nodded. We went to the bar and and got drinks. We talked for a while and then he asked me if I wannted to go back to his crib. I thought he had a girlfriend! I asked him this. He laughed. "Nah. I'm single." I smiled. "Shit, okay." We left the club and went to his car. When we got in, he turned and looked at me. "So, whats your name?" "My name Kia." I replied. "I'm pretty sure you know who I am." he said. I laughed. "Yeah. I do." He smiled and he started the engine. When we got to his house, we went in and we got pretty lit. It ended up becoming very steamy and now i'm Lil Baby's girl!

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