8| 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒃𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏

Start from the beginning

Stassie somehow convinced Josh that I was open to watching over them tonight, and by the grace of God, they were well-behaved. Ahmad was loud. If he wakes up those demons. I will have no choice but to finally pummel the bastard to the ground.

"She wants to act all prim and proper when I have proof that she's just a low-down dirty whore." Ahmad was seething.

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" I asked, curious about what he has on Stassie.

Ahmad smiled with his teeth. His expression was almost cynical. He looked like a villain from a superhero movie.

"There are videos of her all over the internet getting fucked like the cheap whore she is!"

I let out a sigh. I was not expecting that information from him. It was disgusting.

This guy is a fucking pig.

I licked my lips. "Get the fuck out of here." I hissed at him. "If I ever see you anywhere near the property, I'm calling the cops."

Ahmad is the biggest clown I've ever met. As much as I cannot stand Stassie, she was way out of his league. She could do so much better than the likes of him.

"Fuck you!" He spat at me.

He angrily got in his car and drove off. I could hear Stassie weeping from her bedroom down the hall. She's not in fact the raging sociopath I believed she was. Hearing her cry had an eerie and bizarre effect on me. I did not feel detached from her situation. I actually felt bad for her.

As much as I didn't want to, I decided the best thing to do was check on her and see if she was okay.

I slowly walked down the hall. She left her door slightly ajar. Her lights were dim, and she sat on the edge of her bed. To my surprise, the twins were in her room beside her, comforting her.

I don't know how she did it. It's remarkable when I think about it. I can't think of any individual that has come close to what Stassie has achieved. She somehow won over the twins. They rave about her every chance they get. Despite the fact I hear her call them every name in the book, and they are pretty brutal to her as well, in a sick and deranged way, it is how they have been able to form a bond.

"Hey, are you okay?." I asked as I leaned against the doorway.

"I'm fine." She growled.

"No, you are not! He made you cry!" Murphy huffed. "Where is he? I'm going to kill him!" He shouted.

The kid is half Ahmad's size, and he's ten years old. His balls haven't even dropped yet. Yet I know what Murphy is capable of. I wouldn't piss off the kid on his good day.

"Yeah, where is he? He was mean to Stassie!" Julian spoke with just as much aggravation as his brother.

It was adorable.

"Don't worry about me, boys. I got this." She wrapped her arms around the twins and planted a kiss on each of their foreheads.

"Alright boys, go to bed. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow." She smiled at them.

The twins gave her one final hug before they retreated to their bedroom across the hall.

I was now left in the room with her. We have avoided each other until now.

"So how long did you guys know? I know how men talk just as much as bitches." She spat.

She was now in her angry phase, and I had the great pleasure of being her target.

"I honestly didn't know until now," I answered honestly.

I observed as her breathing began to take a hike. She balled her tiny hands and gritted her teeth. She pursed her lips. "So, what are you here for? Are you going to ridicule me? Are you going to judge me for something that happened years ago?" She was irate, and I don't think there was any calming of her.

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