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When the others unlocked the door and woke up yoongi and jungkook at about one pm, -armed of course; with wooden spoons as weapons and pot lids as helmets and shields- the two boys didn't even glanced at them.

Yoongi yawned and stretched before tapping jungkook to wake him up. Jungkook rubbed his eyes as he stretched as well.

"That was a good long sleep." Jungkook yawned.

Yoongi nodded. "It was. Let's get out of here I'm starving." He said and jungkook nodded.

They stood up and ignored the five armed guys and walked past them to the kitchen. They glanced at eachother and shrugged, carefully following yoongi and jungkook.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Yoongi asked as he opened the fridge.

"I dunno. Whatever you have is fine. It's almost lunch time anyway." Jungkook leaned on the counter, watching yoongi as he pulled some things out of the fridge.

"Ah, right." Yoongi placed the eggs back inside. "Fuck breakfast. I like lunch more. Should I make rabokki? (tteokbokki with ramen)" yoongi asked.

Jungkook excitedly nodded.

The others stood with eyes widen.

"Either our plan worked really well, or they're teaming up against us." Namjoon said.

"Let's be prepared for any sudden movements." Jin said and everyone nodded.

"Should I help you?" Jungkook asked, moving closer to get a look at what yoongi was doing.

"Nah it's fine. If you wanna stay and keep me company-- or not..." Yoongi turned around but saw that jungkook was already out of the kitchen. He shrugged, going back to what he was doing.


"Should I help you?" Jungkook asked.

Jin snatched jungkook by his shirt, running upstairs with the others immediately after. Jungkook heard a muffled reply from yoongi before they closed the door to Yoongi's room.

"What the hell?" Jungkook soothened his shirt.

The group threw the pot lids and wooden spoons in a corner of the room before letting out relieved breaths. "Okay, we need to talk. All of us." Jin said, resting his hands on his hips.

Jungkook stood up from the bed he was carelessly thrown on. "Okay, I'll get yoongi hyun-- what the hell hyung!?" He cursed when Jin pushed him back on the bed.

"Just us. No yoongi." Jin said.

"Okay...? Go ahead."

"Okay so, you know the day after tomorrow Is?" Jin asked.

"Ahh..." Jungkook didn't. "Yoongi huyng's birthday?" He guessed.

"What?--" Jin scoffed.

"Your birthday! I totally didn't forget don't worry!" Jungkook chuckled awkwardly.

"No it's not--"

"My birthday?"

"It's no one's birthday--"

"Our friendship anniversary?"

"No, what the-"

"Your grandma's death anniversary!"






"Thanks giving?"



"Jungkook stop!" Jin yelled. "For fucks sake, it's Saturday tomorrow but that's not what I meant!"

Jungkook furled his lips. "Then what's tomorrow?"

Jin sighed. "Tomorrow's the begging of another week. That week is the fifth week after yoongi had seen the body."

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