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POV: Dr. Kevin

"Have you found them yet?" I said. A worker replied "Yes sir." I then asked "Did you do as I said?" The worker replied "Yes sir. We used our helicopters to fly over to search them. They thought we were there to rescue them. They started climbing out of the buses and yelled at us. The mutants came and killed them all. We didn't have to." I smiled and said "Good. Well done. Are my favourite people dead?" The worker said "No sir. We lost them while in the air when we were following them. They were far behind heading to the same direction as the buses but when we went there, they weren't there. I'm afraid they might still be alive."

I slammed my fist on the glass table, breaking the glass. "Contact Max. Tell him to kill them. They need to die before they ruin my plan." The worker nodded and left the room, leaving me alone. I wanted Clare dead with them. She betrayed me and they will soon find out that I have a spy of my own with them.

POV: Max

I decided to stay in the house again, with no smile on my face. I knew the pocket knife had poison inside. Does he want me to kill them? I play with the knife, not opening the blade. Suddenly, I get a call.

Huh? I though we didn't have signal here yet? I answer the call and it was a worker on the phone. "Dr. told me to give you a new mission. He said you need to kill them before they ruin his plan. Got that?" I replied "Of course. Anything for the doc." I end the phone and take my pocket knife. I head outside and walk to the river.

I see Eva and Nicolas playing and chasing each other around. I see Leo and Jake playing in the water. I see Clare all alone out of everyone's sight. Perfect target. I'll have to take it slow so no one grows suspicious. I head to Clare with the pocket knife in my hand.

I stab her without her realizing it. I hid her in the bushes and swapped bodies with her. I walk to Nicolas with a worried face. "Nicolas, have you seen Max? He isn't in the house." Nicolas looked worried and ran to everyone to go back to the house. We all ran back and didn't see Max anywhere. I pretended to look outside and carried my old body to the house.

I made sure it looked like claws that killed him and not from a pocket knife. I pretended to cry and held the body in my hands. I washed my hands after cutting the onion and throwing it in the river. I covered my hands with the blood and ran inside, crying. Everyone saw me and gasped in horror. Nicolas covered her mouth and Leo said with tears in his eyes "No...this can't be."

We all buried him and no one spoke. I pretended all the way. Clare told me everything she was wanting to do and I also eves dropped on her and her work. I knew how to play as her. Leo doesn't know that I'm a great actor. I just killed one of the important people in the group and no one knows about it.

I need to find another target. But who...

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