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POV: Nicolas

"So where are you guys from?" I asked. Max replied "Oh, funny story, we're from uh, America. Yeah, we're from America." Eva interrupts "You mean the United States of America, right?" Leo awkwardly replies "Yeah, ofcourse. Who wouldn't know the USA?" I reply "Okay, so, why are you guys here?" Leo and Max look at each other and gulped.

"We came here because we both have cancer." They both responded. Max added "Though we only recently found out about it." Leo then asked "Why are you guys here?" Eva replied "Nicolas has asthma and Jake just came here because they offered him money if they experiment on him. It just sounds like to me that they are just finding an excuse to test on people around the world." Max then asked "What about you Eva?" Eva didn't speak.

I look down, thoughts swirling around my head. These people are testing on innocent people and I'm too late to stop it. How could I have been so stupid-


Oh, that's right. I thought of doing this so that my parents don't turn into mutant wild predators. Well, I just wish I knew about this and reported them. And Dr Kevin was the one who was mainly involved in this. We all thought he was a hero.

"Well, I'm living the life. Nothing has gone bad for me yet and I'm getting free food." Jake spoke in a conversation. Eva spoke angrily  "You are having the time of your life when we're getting treated like lab rats! Unbelievable!" Oh no. She's losing control. I better stop her.

POV: Eva

I said angrily "You are having the time of your life when we're getting treated like lab rats! Unbelievable!" I'm losing control. What's happening to me? What's happening to me?

POV: Nicolas

Eva turns into a flaming demon with red horns. She was about to attack Jake. I tackled her right in time, pinning her to the ground. The demon form shouted "Let go of me you annoying human being!" I knew that wasn't her talking. This was something else.

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