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POV: Eva

"Thanks." I said. Nicolas replies with "No problem." She walks up and looks out of the window. I want to say more but I don't know if I should. I mean, I can't just be together with Nicolas when we're trying to survive a monster apocalypse and there are others here. I'm going to embarrass myself if I ask her in front of them.

I'll have to try catch her alone when I can so I could ask her. Maybe when they go for another search for food then I'll either ask to come with or ask her to stay. I spot Nicolas heading to the bathroom. She looks to see if anyone is looking and spots me. She seemed alright with me knowing that she was there. I think I should go with her.

I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom. It looks like the boys are distracted by the conversation they're having. I lock the door once I'm in with Nicolas. "Did you want me here?" Nicolas looks down and sighs. She then looks at her hand and hides it inside her sleeve. I then sit on my knees when she sits down on the toilet lid.

"I think you're really cool with or without your powers." Then she replies "Well, what about pretty. I look ugly looking like a turquoise monster." Nicolas starts forming large pointy ears and a tail. Her skin turns into a turquoise colour again. She hides her head with her hoodie. I move closer, looking in her eyes.

"Sure, you look different but I still can't stop looking at your beautiful face." She smiles and I lift her hoodie off. She softly holds my chin and she turns back to normal. We were about to kiss then Jake knocks on the door. We both get a bit of a fright and worry how we're both going to get out of the bathroom separately.

Jake starts talking "I can hear that you are both in there." Nicolas then replies "How long have you been there?" Jake then responses "I just came now, when I knocked on the door. Wait, what are the two of you doing in there?" I blush and then Nicolas blushes a little. I then reply "We were discussing about girl stuff. That's why we came here. So that we don't get interrupted from you guys. That clearly didn't work."

Jake then spoke "Alright, though hurry up. I need it." We walk out and Jake runs in. Leo and Max look at us with questions on their faces. Max then asks "Why were both of you in the bathroom?" Leo then smacks him in the head and then talks "Dude, did you not hear them when Jake went to the bathroom?" Max then replied "Yes I did. I was just making sure I heard it right."

Nicolas and I just sit down while Leo and Max are distracted. I decide to write down a note. I stop in the middle of writing and then think about what to write carefully. I then start writing. I finish writing down on the note and pass in on to Nicolas. She then takes the note and starts reading.

She smiles at me and then writes on the note. I see her folding the note into a dragon. She gives me back the note and then looks away. I open up the note. I then smile back. She said yes to be my girlfriend.

We were about to hold hands until we heard a roar. I asked in shock "What was that?" Nicolas replies "I'm not sure but we better get as far away from it as possible." Jake runs out asking "Did you guys here that? The roar. It definitely wasn't me in the bathroom." We pack our things and start to leave the building.

We find a bakkie and get on. The vehicle still had a full tank of petrol in so we were in luck. We see where the roaring came from and it was a huge mutant version of a lion/human. The creature was fast and catching up to us. Nicolas jumped out of the bakkie and shouted "Go on! Drive! I'll catch up."

I shouted back "What are you doing?!?!" She smiled at me and said "Buying some time." I tried to climb out the bakkie but then Leo and Max held me in. I couldn't get out and the bakkie started driving off. I watched her battling with the lion creature. We turned right and I couldn't see her anymore.

"How could this happen?" I said out loud.

*Is Nicolas really going to die? Find out in the next chapter.*

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