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POV: Eva

I hope everyone I know are okay. I know Nicolas has asthma so she won't be infected. I'm not sure if my disease will prevent me from getting infected by the virus. They don't even have a name for this virus yet and it is infecting people all over the world. I already lost my dad. My mom's a medic so she's very careful with her patients.

I hope Nicolas is okay. She's my one and only best friend in the whole world. We knew each other since we were both 10 years old. We both had each other's backs and she always was my cheerleader when I needed some confidence. I don't want her turning into a bug like a fly or a predator like a lion. I'm so worried.

My phone rings and I see Nicolas calling. I answer the phone and say "Hey Nicolas, what's wrong?" Nicolas' voices seems to be trying to sound strong like she couldn't speak. She say "Hey Eva, are you scared too?" A frown is created on my face. I could hear that she needs comfort.

I heard my mother talk about her mom being infected to my dad before he died. Has she found out yet? I also heard that her dad was diagnosed with cancer recently? The fact that she's phoned me to ask that question, she found out and needs someone to comfort her. But I can't go to her because of the lock down. I should video call her and maybe that will help.

"Should I switch to video call?" I asked. Nicolas sniffs and then replies "Sure. I really need company right now." I switch to video call and I could then see her face. I notice her face was red as if she cried just a moment ago. "Is that better? I can see you better now." I said. Nicolas spoke with a slight smile on her face "Yeah."

We talked a bit and she seemed to be feeling better than the beginning of the call. We laughed and also showed empathy towards each other, knowing we both lost someone we loved.

*I'm gonna keep writing though I would like to know your opinion about the book so far.*

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