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POV: Nicolas

It was just an average morning, where everyone on Earth were going about their day. People walking on the street, driving their cars to work, kids going to school, and just like any normal average Monday would be. Everyone has been thriving right after Covid-19 disappeared. They acted like it never existed. Dr. Kevin, a scientist who found the cure for eliminating the corona virus, has saved us all. If it weren't for him, Covid-19 would have still existed. We might never have anymore viruses this year, at least we thought so...

Hi, I'm Nicolas, and I'm just a normal 15 (turning 16) teenage girl. I am good at cricket but never went on top. I do good in school but don't know what to choose to study for when I leave school. I'm in grade 9 in High School and like to draw, write, do photography, and create content for my YouTube channel. I'm still learning to animate and create Lego stop-motion. I also love reading though now-a-days I try to find time to read in my busy day-to-day life.

I have two best friends, Eva and Jake. They only know each other through our WhatsApp group I created, which means they haven't met face to face before. Eva is an amazing person and I'm her only best friend. Eva taught me a lot of things and we've had each other's backs. Eva is in grade 10 but I'm the same age as her. She loves to draw, especially dragons, and has a YouTube Gaming channel.

She loves FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy) and so does Jake. Jake is goofy but plays Rugby, does photoshoots, loves giving me video ideas, loves Go-Karting, and also has a YouTube channel. I guess the three of us have our own YouTube group. He is in grade 9 but is 1 year younger than me. Jake is an awesome guy.

Eva has a boyfriend who she was friends with in her Primary School. I also met Eva in Primary School ever since I first went to that school. She used to have a colour blind disorder but she's better now. I do have other friends but they aren't important. Okay, enough about my personal life and let's get on with the story.

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