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POV: Nicolas

The world's population decreased by 20%. How could that be possible? I received a letter from SA Labs and I'm afraid to open it. My parents read it before me and said it was going to be okay. They didn't tell me what they read so I had to face this alone. I take a deep breath and open the letter.

I read the letter and froze there on the spot. They want to do experiments on me? Out of everyone, it had to be me. Though why choose to do experiments on me? What are they going to experiment me on? Is it the virus?

I hope this doesn't take long. It says that I have to be there at 10:00 am tomorrow. I better get my stuff ready. I don't have a choice, do I? If this is going to help find a cure to bring people back, then I'm glad to do it.

I heard that there are some families looking after their animal-turned family members. It must be heart breaking that they have to go through having a family member forget who they are and they have a choice to look after them even though they aren't family anymore. My mom is soon going to forget about us and my dad is going to die. The doctor said there's no chance for him surviving. I'm going to be an orphan, aren't I?

I should go to sleep now since I have a busy day tomorrow. Maybe even more than that. I feel a bit nervous going. This is all happening so fast. Argh. I should stop overthinking and try to sleep.

POV: Eva

I received a letter from SA labs today and now my boyfriend isn't so happy. He broke up with me for something small. I know he didn't want me to go but I have no choice. He broke up with me because he thought I was going to regret going there and ruining my own life. Still, he shouldn't have done that.

I just hope that I'll be okay. I'll sort him out afterwards. Maybe I shouldn't give him a second chance after break up with me for a small little no big deal trip to the lab. I wonder how Nicolas is doing. Should I tell her that I'm going to the lab tomorrow?

I better get some rest. I need to recover after what happened today and also to get ready for tomorrow's trip. It might be an hour away but traveling to a new place might be a lot to handle. Am I really the only one going? I guess so.

POV: Jake

I've been given a letter from SA Labs. But that's not right. How is that possible? Am I not healthy after all? I guess I'm going to be on the road for quite a while tomorrow. I better rest for tomorrow.

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