"Then you will have to get Cassian out. I'm sure he wouldn't react well to seeing me coming for him." Austin said to me with a hint of mirth, and I found my lips quirking up in the ghost of a smile.

"I'm sure he wouldn't..." My laugh faded as I thought, "...but if I get him, we won't be very fast. He can barely walk on his own and I will have to support him." I said, looking down at the table.

If I remember correctly, the last time I helped him to stand did not go very well. He was incredibly tall, easily over six feet of solid muscle. There was no way I would be able to get him out very fast with him leaning on me.

"I can help you." Austin offered suddenly, making me glance up at him. Our eyes met and behind his glasses, I could see the determination in his eyes. Determination I couldn't place. He truly wanted to help us, but I still had no idea why.

"Why are you helping us Austin?" I asked suddenly, taking Noah off guard. However, Austin seemed prepared for me to ask, and even expected it.

"Cassian saved me." Austin answered simply, holding my gaze.

"In Dr. Grant's log, you read that the subject had saved a researcher who had fallen into his tank. That was me. It was back when Dr. Grant used to supervise this department. Dr. Grant was brutal, he worked us to the bone..." Austin continued, looking off into the distance as if he was picturing the memories.

"I had worked an extra long shift that day, and I was feeling weak. I ended up losing consciousness and falling into the tank. Cassian, he pulled me out..." Austin admitted, looking down at his hands folded neatly on the table.

"He saved me and yet all this time I have never been able to return the favor...all I could do was watch as we tormented him." He added finally, looking up at me again. I noticed that his eyes were glossy now as he regarded me, waiting for a response.

I reached across the table and put one of my hands on Austin's folded ones, "I understand what you're feeling. We're glad to have you with us." I answered, giving Austin a warm smile. A comfortable silence fell between us, only interrupted when Noah spoke up.

"So, Austin will help carry Cassian out. By the time you guys make it out, I will be waiting outside with my car. You have to be quick though, my fireworks will only last about five minutes or so." Noah spoke, glancing between us. I leaned back from Austin, shifting my attention to Noah and what he had said. 

I thought for a moment before nodding, "We can do that. Cassian will be expecting us, I told him we would be getting out of here tonight."

"This sounds great and all, but what do we do once we have Cassian out of the compound? Surely he can't stay here?" Austin remarked, glancing between Noah and me.

"No, we can take him to my home." I interjected before Noah could reply. I heard Noah laugh from the chair beside me.

"No offense Lani..." Noah began, leaning over to me, "...but your apartment is too small for the both of you. And not to mention they will come looking for Cassian and you there first." Noah added and Austin nodded in agreement.

I shook my head, "No, I mean my real home. Back in Oahu." I corrected, watching Noah's eyes flick over to me in surprise.

"Look, I saw all those boats you have Noah." I continued, "They look big enough for transatlantic sailing. We can go to Oahu straight from here. It's the only way that they won't follow us." I added, pointing to the window showing Noah's boats floating by the dock.

At my suggestion, Noah and Austin fell silent in thought.

"It could be a good idea..." Austin began after a few moments. "I mean, once we do this, we can never show our face in California again."

Noah let out a breath, "Well, I've always wanted to visit Hawaii." He admitted, and I smiled.

"Sounds like a plan." I confirmed, glancing between them as we all nodded in agreement.

"Alight, I'll start loading the car." Noah announced, standing up from his seat and leaving the room.

With his leave, the room fell silent once more. Glancing over at Austin, I saw that his eyes were downcast, staring at his folded hands on the table.

"Something wrong?" I asked after a few minutes, yet Austin refused to look up at me as he spoke.

"The chances of us being able to pull this off without getting caught...or worse...is slim." He said carefully.

"Or worse?" I repeated and Austin glanced up at me. He opened his mouth to respond just as Noah came bursting back into the room with a pair of jingling silver keys in his hand. He held the keys out in front of him as he spoke.


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