Poker Face

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Lucy flexed her fingers to keep them from cramping up, having been typing on her laptop for far longer than usual. She figured she could rest her hands for a bit, and switched around her tabs to hide the writing she was doing, just in case there were any prying eyes. It'd be better if it looked like she was working on an assignment and not the book that she refused to tell anyone about, after all.

When Lisanna whipped past her at a speed that shouldn't have been achievable for someone with a tray full of food in their hands, Lucy shuddered. She liked working in the atmosphere of restaurants, especially the Fairy Tail Café due to the familiar staff and the fact that she was allowed to stay here until closing time, though she got a little antsy as it became more and more busy.

The food all smelt so good, even though she already ate before she came here. There were so many conversations going on in the booths behind her, which kind of made her feel a bit lonely in her little spot at the end of the bar counter.

Before returning to the kitchen, Lisanna made a stop and set a bowl of yogurt parfait beside Lucy's laptop, which provided an immediate distraction.

It looked really appetizing, so it almost physically pained her to say, "Hey, Lis, I didn't order anything..."

"I know, but the chef saw you working so diligently and thought you could use a treat," Lisanna snickered, and they both looked behind the bar counter and towards the kitchen to see Natsu winking as he mouthed, 'call me.'

Lucy giggled, "Well in that case, tell the chef I appreciate it, but he should watch out because I have a boyfriend."

"Pfft, will do!"

As she watched Lisanna head back to give him the news, Lucy took a spoonful of parfait and had to stifle her moan of delight when she tasted it. It was honestly better than it looked.

She saw Lisanna whisper in the chef's ear, watched as he gasped dramatically, and laughed as he stuck his tongue out at her.

He was back to work soon after, so he missed the way Lucy began stuffing her face with the yogurt. It was so simple yet so good, she hoped he wouldn't mind making this a few more times later on.

As Lucy was nearing the bottom of the glass all too soon, the presence of someone sitting beside her slightly brought her attention away from the yogurt for a moment. Her first reaction was to look at this person in distaste- of all the seats along the bar, they'd chosen the one closest to her in her little corner.

But as soon as she looked up, she gasped around the spoon in her mouth, "Cana! What're you doing here?"

The brunette shook her head and quietly laughed at how Lucy was eating that parfait like it was her first meal in years, and answered her with a shrug, "I like to come here to chill. You?"

"Natsu's decided to work a lot more, so I'm starting to come here during his shifts to do my assignments. That way, I don't miss him too much."

"Ah, yeah, my dad mentioned him taking up his offer. Good luck with that, genuinely."

"Thanks, here's hoping we'll be able to manage."

Cana hummed, turning to glance around the diner. It was as busy as usual today, which would mean both lead waitresses should be on the floor...

Aha! She gave herself a mental pat on the back when she spotted the woman she came here to see, grinning as she watched her finish up taking a table's order.

Mirajane's naturally kind smile was radiant, practically lighting up the area around her. Cana couldn't look away, especially when Mira looked up and smiled even brighter when she noticed her gaze.

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