Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)

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Cana tried her best not to spare Mirajane any glances on her way to the bathroom. She knew she was being teased, and now was not the time for her to be getting distracted. There were more important matters at hand.

She wanted to roll her eyes when she saw Loke sitting on the bathtub, having left the bathroom door open as if he wanted to be seen.

"Are you gonna stay in here and keep throwing your tantrum?"

Loke didn't even look at her, too caught up in his sulking to give her any attention.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Cana shut the bathroom door and sat beside him on the tub, "You're being dramatic right now."

"I don't wanna hear that," Loke huffed, and eventually turned to look at her, "The girl of my dreams starts dating some wannabe lady-killer, and I'm not allowed to be upset?"

"Hey man, I know it's frustrating, but your issue is that you still think you had any hint of a chance with her after all the times she's turned you down. Did you think this was easy for me at first? Because it sure as hell wasn't, but by not living in the fantasy that maybe she'd change her mind and pick me instead, I've got a better shot at moving on."

A wave of silence fell over them as Loke thought it through, and he slowly reached over to grip her thigh, "Since when have you been this level headed?"

Cana stared at where his hand rested on her leg, "...Just being honest."

"No, I mean... How are you taking this so well?"

"I don't know, dude, maybe it's because I haven't been drunk all the time... I've had time to think clearly about things."

"But isn't this killing you inside? Doesn't it make you feel like shit? How are you not as upset as I am..?"

Loke had begun to lean in, his lips grazing the skin on her neck. Cana couldn't help but lean away from him, though it didn't seem like he noticed.

"I told you... I've started accepting that she just doesn't want me the way I want her..."

"...Have you been going to therapy or something? I get you wanting to move on and all, but you're quitting drinking cold-turkey, and it's been weeks since we've hooked up. There's no way you're doing this much better than me, no offense."

She didn't get the chance to respond before he was guiding her into a kiss, his hand traveling up the length of her thigh and keeping her in place.

Cana kissed him back, but this didn't feel like any of the kisses they've had before. She wasn't sure why, but it felt like her whole body wanted to reject him, as if his lips didn't belong anywhere near hers.

After what felt like forever, she pushed him away and turned her head, resisting the urge to gag. "Alright, we are not doing this."

"What..?" Loke looked dazed, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just... We're kinda in Gray and Juvia's bathroom... and most of our friends know we're here, I..."

Although he stopped touching her and scooted away to give her space, Loke raised an eyebrow, "Since when has something like that ever stopped you?"

Cana couldn't look at him, trying her best to play it cool, "I dunno, like I said, maybe it's because I've been doing a lot of thinking-"

"If you're not attracted to me anymore, just say that."

She gaped at him, it wasn't like that was what she was thinking, but hearing him say it made her realize... "W-what? Loke... I, um, I was never attracted to you..."

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