Party Crasher pt.1

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Lucy huffed at her reflection, feeling like something was off with her outfit. This would be the first outing she's had since Summer, and all of her good clothes don't seem to look the same on her body.

I know I haven't started gaining yet... or have I? Ugh... She smoothed her crop top over her chest for the umpteenth time. Why does it feel more... frumpy than usual?

"You ready?" Cana poked her head into the room and sighed when she saw the blonde glaring at the mirror, "Girl, you look hot. Stop worrying, we're all your friends, we're not gonna think you look bad."

"But you know I like to feel cute in my outfits... Right now I just feel... I don't know..."

"You're just bloated, but you're still cute-"

"Stop trying to flatter me and just be honest," Lucy's tone had a bite to it, causing Cana's eye to twitch.

"You're just gonna disagree with me when I say you look good, so I don't know what to tell you. Just go change your outfit or something." She left the blonde alone, there wasn't really a reason for her to listen to her nitpick herself anymore.

Lucy hadn't meant to catch an attitude, but she was just so frustrated. And deep down, she knew she wouldn't normally stress this much, but she just couldn't help it.

Abruptly, her phone began to ring, which distracted her for a moment. She assumed it'd be one of the girls calling about their outing in a few minutes, but she was mistaken.

The caller ID read "Mama ♡", which was completely unexpected.

"M-mom?" Lucy sputtered as she answered the phone, she was worried that her mother might've called with some sort of bad news.

"Hi my little sun-bug! How are you? Enjoying your weekend so far?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm alright. Just gonna go out with my friends soon."

"Oh, that's great! Please go easy on your body, okay? How are your symptoms? Are you still nauseous?"

Lucy had been trying very hard not to think about that, and just hearing the word made her gag, "Y-yeah, still... nauseous."

"Oh dear, it'll be over in a couple months, or it at least won't be as bad. Just keep taking the vitamins I got you, Love."

"Yeah, I am-"

"Well, aside from checking up on you, I called because I wanted to give you some good news!"

"Oh?" Bless her heart, but it was common knowledge that Layla's idea of "good news" was usually something silly. She once made a big fuss over spotting a butterfly in the fall. "What's up? Are you sure it's really newsworthy?"

"Yes! Your father and I found the perfect condo for you and Natsu! We want to show you guys tomorrow, I'm sure you'll just adore it!"

Lucy's heart sank, and she audibly gulped. It was easy to forget details, such as the fact that she and Natsu are supposed to be living together. It all felt so soon and overwhelming, but she knew that she absolutely couldn't so much as allude to the fact that she and Natsu still haven't gotten to know each other too well yet.

"Baby-doll? Are you still there?"

"Oh- um- yes. I'm still here... That really is some... news..."

"Mhm, well that's all I wanted to talk about. I can't wait to see you! Have fun on your night out, and let me know if you and Natsu can make it tomorrow, alright?"

Blossom Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora