Tipsy (NSFW)

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"I'm home!"

Natsu groaned at the sound of the door closing and footsteps nearing the living room, "Are ya naked?"

"What? Of course not- oh wait, shit," Gray stumbled as he picked his shirt up off the ground and pulled up his pants, "Okay, now I'm decent."

"Where were you, anyway?" Natsu asked as he made room on the couch for Gray to sit beside him.

"Me and Juvia went out. Actually, we were talking, and I think it'd be cool to host the party here this year."

"Oh yeah?" Natsu leaned back as he thought it over. Every year, they had a party on the weekend before the start of the next school semester. It began in high school, and- due to their almost instant popularity- carried on to college, and from his experience of their freshman party last year, things can get pretty messy with college kids. "...I dunno."

"I think it'd be sweet, we're, like, the only ones with a house instead of a dorm or apartment. Last year, Gajeel said he got in huge trouble with his landlord afterwards."

"Yeah, but I don't feel like cleanin' up all that mess..."

"The others will help, just like always."

That sounded pretty good, and it is more fair for them to host the party this time around. "Alright," Natsu nodded, and they shook on it, "But I don't want nobody going near my room."

"Duh, you think I'd want anyone near my room? We'll keep the upstairs off limits."



"This is so not cool," Natsu grumbled as he watched someone carelessly throw their trash onto their kitchen floor, "Hey, pick that up, you pig!"

"Chill, man..." Gray could only laugh, he was already pretty tipsy, "Since when did you care about a little trash on the ground?"

"It's different when people come over just to wreck the place!" Natsu was ready to track down the trash-bug and give them a piece of his mind, but Gray grabbed onto his shoulder to stop him.

"Hey, just have a drink and let loose! This is the most worked up I've seen you ever, let alone at a party."

His best friend did have a point, the back-to-school parties are usually the best, so Natsu figured he should stop worrying for a bit.

He stole the beer out of Gray's hand and ignored his complaints as he started scanning around the room. It's been about 2 hours since the party started, which was just enough time for several guests to get absolutely wasted.

People were dancing to the loud music in the living room, and the kitchen was full of people having drinking contests. He knew the house would be in shambles once everyone goes home, but he should at least enjoy the moment.

He downed the beer in his hand and went to get another, taking it from one of the many coolers by their refrigerator. It was already almost empty, which honestly wasn't surprising.

"Hey Natsu~" Cana called from the kitchen counter, "Pass me a couple beers!"

"I don't know if you need any more..." Natsu laughed at the several empty cans that were already in front of her, "Save some for the other guests, will ya?"

"It's not for me, it's for Lulu."


When she gestured towards the girl sitting beside her, Natsu's eyebrows rose.

She looked very familiar, he knew he's seen that blonde hair and brown eyes before. Her gaze was downward and she fiddled with her fingers, seemingly too shy to acknowledge anyone nearby. Natsu assumed she must be introverted, and a beer would be just the thing to lighten her mood.

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