Big News

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Natsu sighed at the TV, completely done with whatever lame show was on. Things were just so boring today, after finishing up his boring daily classes, he found out that the majority of his friends are busy tonight. 

It makes sense for them to be busy on a Tuesday afternoon, but still, everything is just so boring.

Natsu had hope that Gray would come through tonight, which means he's really desperate, but he's just so sick of doing nothing exciting!

The sound of keys got his attention, and he looked beyond the living room couch to see Gray collecting his belongings. "Hey, where are you goin?" Natsu didn't want to sound desperate, but he couldn't help himself.

"I'm gonna go pick up Juvia," He was just about to unlock the front door before Natsu suddenly stood up. The reaction was unexpected, stunning Gray into diverting his full attention to him. 

"Why?" Was the first question to come out of Natsu's mouth, but then he realized how silly it sounded, "I mean, where?"

"What? She's at a friend's house, I'm just gonna get her and bring her here."

"Oh, so you guys will be here," Natsu felt reassured for a millisecond before he thought this over, "Wait… What're you guys gonna be doing here, exactly?"

Gray stared at him in silence for too long, waiting for things to get uncomfortable before he started to laugh under his breath, "Don't tell me you're jealous or something, dude-"

"Nope," Natsu shut that down real quick, "You've got nothin' I wanna be jealous of."

"Then what's your deal? You seem upset that I wanna hang out with my girlfriend-"

"I'm bored, okay? I wanted to do something, I dunno… You don't like to include me whenever you bring Juvia over."

Well obviously… Gray shook his head and unlocked the door to leave, "If you're bored, go do something somewhere else."

"I would've done that hours ago, if there was actually anything to do…"

"Ugh, see, this is why you need to start dating. I'm tired of you whining about this shit to me."

"I don't gotta date somebody to stop being bored..."

"Yeah you do, you need to find someone who'll tolerate you. But I don't know why I'm mentioning it, it's not like you're capable of actually attracting anyone."

Natsu's eyes narrowed, and folded his arms to send his roommate a glare, "I am attractive."

Gray laughed, "I can name 100 reasons why you're not attractive in the least."

"Yeah? Well people like me, I'm just single 'cause I got standards."

Gray's laughs doubled after hearing that, and he shook his head, "Dude, you have, like, no experience-"

"Actually, I do."

"Relationships within video games don't count."

"What!? I actually got real experience, you just don't believe me 'cause I'm not so annoyingly obvious about it." Natsu's retort went unnoticed as Gray walked out, leaving him to deal with this predicament on his own. 

Weekdays always went this way, everyone is just so busy with school, and on the weekends most of his friends would rather use that time to visit their families or be with their significant others. 

It was frustrating to say the least.

"At least you'll always have time for me," Natsu smiled at the cat that was curled up on the couch, only for the feline to get up and move away to a spot where his nap wouldn't be interrupted. "Oh… nevermind."

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