Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)

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"Are you sure you don't want me to make you anything for breakfast? I can whip up a crepe real fast..."

"It's fine, really," Lucy giggled at Natsu's reluctance to leave. All morning he's been stalling on leaving for work, making up excuse after excuse. He even purposefully didn't do his laundry last night to avoid this, but luckily Lucy found his pile of dirty clothes and washed them herself. "Mira's gonna kill you if you're late, y'know."

"No she ain't, I can just tell her I was taking care of you."

"But it wouldn't be fair to whoever has to pick up your slack while you're not there."

"Tuesday mornings are always slow, it'll be fine."

"But you'd be missing out on money..."

"I just got a raise, I can manage."



"Why are you suddenly trying to avoid work, hm? This is so unlike you..."

Natsu looked away, trying to hide the blush on his face. "I just wanna watch over you... make sure you're okay." That was only half true, the real reason was much more embarrassing.

Lately, all he's wanted to do is spend time with Lucy. Whenever they actually get the chance to sit and talk alone together, things seem to go well, so he'd like more chances to get closer with her.

It always felt like either one of them was at work, Lucy was busy with school, or she just wasn't in the mood. The opportunities for conversation were always so slim.

"C'mon, get going, or else you'll be late. It's the responsible thing to do," Lucy encouraged, giving him the sweetest smile ever in an attempt to sway him.

As much as he wished he could stay, Natsu knew it'd make her happy if he did what was "responsible." "Alright... But when I get home, will you be free?"

"Mhm, I have no plans today. Maybe we can watch a movie or something."

"That's cool..." Oh, it was much more than "cool" to him. Now, all he could think about is quickly finishing his shift so he could come home to her. "Well, I'm gonna go now..."

"Okay, see you later."

They stood in an awkward silence for a couple of seconds before Natsu finally walked out the door. Lucy rubbed at her arm after he left, she hated how their interactions still had that hint of awkwardness to them. It was inevitable, but still less than ideal.

The day they can have a regular conversation and end it in a not-so-awkward way, is a day she honestly couldn't wait for.

"At least I have free time to..." Lucy blushed as it donned on her. The stars seemed to have aligned today- its the first time in months since she's been home alone with no responsibilities. Lately, all she's been feeling is stressed out, sick, achey, and just not in the mood for anything whatsoever. But now...

Maybe I need something to relax myself...

Despite being alone, Lucy felt the need to tip toe to her bedroom. She took a deep breath when she made it, and sighed when she saw the little feline on her bed.

"C'mon, Happy, Mama needs some alone time," She muttered as she picked up the cat and placed him outside her room, followed by a few annoyed meows.

"I'll spend time with you in a sec', but I've got important business to get down to..."

She opened up the top drawer of her dresser and smiled, gazing down at her plethora of toys and gadgets. It's been a long time since she's used any, too long. And even though she wasn't necessarily horny right now, it wouldn't be too hard to get herself in the mood.

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