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Cana stuffed her hands in her coat pockets as soon as she stepped out of her car, her entire body chilled from being out for so long.

At first, she'd wanted to wait out in the parking lot for Mirajane's shift to end, but then she started to feel anxious, so she'd gone on a drive around the town. It probably would've been smarter to turn the heat up in the car, but she just wasn't feeling right at all, and she had hoped that the coldness would keep her mind occupied.

Gildarts meant well, he always does, but he really wasn't helping right now. It was hard enough finding the time to be happy with where she's been right now, Cana just wanted to be able to enjoy these feelings of peace she got during these trysts.

She hated feeling so many emotions at once like this. Maybe Gildarts is right, maybe she should rethink what effect this arrangement has on her mentally, but it's just so easy to not think about it. They were having fun, pleasing each other to forget about whatever stressful situations they were in. It didn't have to be any deeper than that. It isn't any deeper than that.

But what made Cana the most anxious was the fact that she really needed a drink right now.

Get it together. Don't let her see you upset, she'd feel terrible.

She opened the side door, knowing it'd be unlocked already because she told Mira she'd be here after her shift. The warmth inside made her sigh in relief, and slipped out of her coat and tossed it on the rack beside the door.

She didn't have to venture far to find Mirajane- she was pacing the living room and speaking loudly into her phone- so Cana decided to sit on the couch to make her presence known without bothering her.

Mira seemed very agitated, if the tone of her voice and the way she just couldn't stand in one spot was anything to go by. Cana didn't want to be nosy, but it wasn't like she was making any effort to conceal the conversation she was having with whoever she was calling, so listening in a bit shouldn't hurt...

"...No, but you can't keep coming in late! Because if I let you do it, I'd have to let everyone do it!"

Whoever it was on the other line definitely had to be someone who works at the restaurant, most likely one of her siblings.

"I understand, but maybe this is a conversation you just have to have with her, then. Because if you don't say something, I will." Mira angrily inhaled through a nicotine pen in her hand and huffed out an even angrier puff of smoke.

"If you're scared to set that boundary with her, then- No, stop that, I don't hate her. But if she's gonna keep being difficult, then I'd like to talk to her in private."

It's been a long, long time since Cana has heard one of Mira's threats, that woman always found a way to say the scariest things with the nicest words.

"What- Of course not, I'm not a monster," She wasn't facing her, but Cana could just sense the dramatic eye-roll Mirajane delivered, "I'm not going to hurt her, calm down. But I mean it, I have to set an example, and letting my little brother get away with anything he wants at work isn't right. If you still want those hours, you have to act like it."

The large cloud of vape that filled the area made Cana instinctively turn around, only to see Mira looking so grumpy it was scary, so she faced forward again. In all honesty, she wouldn't be surprised if she got kicked out right now. The moment probably isn't right.

"Fine, we'll talk later, bye." Mira threw her phone on the couch and sighed, and when she sat down beside Cana, the brunette finally looked her in the eyes.

She looked exhausted, and she was wondering if her presence here was even a good thing at this point.

"...You okay?" The brunette asked, her voice quiet as if she was afraid to speak.

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