day 2 in Mystic falls

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Draco and George left that night before they had work to do. Lorelai found herself sitting next to Sirius's bed. "You will be fine. Just come home." She whispered more to herself than him.

Waking up the next morning she was drinking tea. Going through her mail. Though she stopped at one letter. It had her name in cursive writing. "Ritpul," Lorelai called. Ritpul, was in charge of all of her mail. No matter what house or name it was sent to. As Ritpul appeared she smiled at him. "Can you tell me where this letter came from?"

"It was found outside on the doorstep." He responded calmly and she gave him a nod dismissing him. Opening the letter she saw it was from Nik. It was an invitation. Though she had to decline. As he only invited her and Teddy. What would she do with the other two trouble makers? Instead she left Teddy, Scarlet, and Lucy, with their assigned House elf. She fit the jobs better to each house elf. These House elves were just lovely. Teddy's house elf was always very happy. While Scarlet's house elf was Quick and energetic. Though Lucy's house elf was great at distracting. Whether that be an exaggerated story or showing her her magic.

(Outfit for the day)

Lorelai had to go out and pick some stuff up for Sirius

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Lorelai had to go out and pick some stuff up for Sirius. She had a feeling he would be awake soon. Though as she was shopping she was interrupted by a certain hybrid. "Hello love," He said walking next to her.

"What a lovely surprise Niklaus." She said smiling.

"It would have been a surprise if you accepted my invite." He said with a little bit of a hard tone.

"Ah yes, I would have though, I couldn't. As I have to pick up a few things for the kids and my cousin." Lorelai stopped to look at him. She purposefully said kids. She hasn't once lied to him. At least yet.

"Well Lilith,..." He paused thinking about something. "Did you say kids, plural?"

Smiling to herself, she started to shop again, following quickly behind her. "Well of course, Teddy, Scarlet, and Lucy." Grabbing something off the shelf she put it in her cart.

"Where were they yesterday?"

"With their uncle and my cousin."

"Their uncle, I thought you said you don't have siblings." I don't it is Lucy fathers brother and Scarlets mothers brother." she tried to explain as she shopped. Though she stopped in her tracks as she felt something. It was a bad feeling. Lorelai didn't like it. Quickly pulling him to the ground a bullet flew past them. It was a wooden bullet. She only knew that because it hit one of the dining sets and got stuck. Though as she touched the bullet a whitish powder winded up on her finger.

"White oak bullet?" Lorelai questioned herself. Though Nikluas heard it. His eyes widened and he started to freak out a bit. White oak shouldn't exist. Not anymore at least. As he was thinking she grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the store and into her car.

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