summer vacation

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(summer look)

	Making her way to St

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Making her way to St. Mungo's, it took forever before she was finally shown to the room Sirius was in. He looked a tad bit unstable but way stabler than her mother. He had more gray hairs then the last time she saw him though he seemed to be in better health. His coloring was coming back and he didn't look as skinny. He was sitting up in bed, with a stack of newspapers next to him. He immediately recognized her from her trip from the prison.

The hair and eye color didn't throw him off one bit. "Pup!" He greeted her loudly. Though the tears were clearly in his eyes. "You don't know how happy I am to see you." Come give old padfoot a hug." Walking over to him she hugged him. She isn't really a fan of touchy feely things. Though she knew he needed it.

"I heard you haven't gotten any other visitors." I jump right into the hard questions.

"Well, Madam Bones and the Healers have visited. That being said, she says you are the person I should thank for my release. Thank you." He tried to deflect.

"I just don't understand you were clear of all charges. People should at least be coming by and saying 'sorry I thought you were a murder.' or something."

"You would think. They might just be nervous though. How about you tell me about your first two years at Hogwarts though."

I go into everything that has happened. He even moved over on his bed and I layed next to him. After explaining all of that, her last statement kind of threw him off. "If it wasn't for the goblins I wouldn't be where I am today. I trust them completely."

"The goblins, eh?"

"They are pretty nice, deep, deep, deep, down." She tried to defend them.

"Sure they are."

"Anyways, what is happening here?" She gestured to the newspapers everywhere.

"Oh, you know just catching up on the news I missed, while in the brig. I'm nearly up to speed, just a few more months to go."

When are you cleared from this place?"

"I just have to pass my final check up in a month." He sounded so excited.

"Well it would be good to have you back at the Black manor. It's not the same talking to pictures on the walls." She laughed.

"Well it would be my pleasure to stay at the Black manor."

"The only problem you might have is Kreacher. He is a bit testy. Though I love him. He is great at his job and even better at insulting people."

"Kreacher still works for the Black family." He asked and when I nodded he grabbed the pillow behind him and screamed into it. Causing a string of giggles to Lorelai.

He had passed his final checkup and moved into the Black house a month later. She taught him poker sense; it is a big family secret. She thought that having an adult around would be a bit of a bummer. Though she learned Sirius is anything but an adult. More like a child in a man's body. She had given Sirius the family seat after explaining to Olivander.

Speaking of Olivander she had visited him two days a week to go over wand crafting and spells lost to the ages. Sunday and Wednesday were his days.

Then she was with Griphook, Monday and Friday. True to his letter he taught her to fight. It was an exhausting work out though her muscles are a bit toned now. Lorelai also learned how to make weapons. She liked this more than the training.

Saturdays and Thursdays she learned from Kreacher. She could now turn invisible. Along with a few spells that didn't need a wand. Lorelai also could apparate much faster and more efficiently.

Tuesdays were spent resting and giving Sirius attention. She learned you had to give him a certain amount of attention or he would cause mayhem. He really was a child. She had the House elves continue to write letters to people as she would read through them for edits. Then they would be sent off.

Though she hand wrote Cedric's letters and they wrote to each other more than once every month. Sometimes once a week. Though those letters were more like small notes. They always had her smiling though.

By the time her third year had started Sirius had finally gotten settled. By that she had finally gotten Kreacher to stop throwing his stuff away. The two messed with each other much like brothers did. They would constantly Insult one another and Kreacher would do something drastic. Like burning Sirius's clothes. Then Sirius would retaliate by mocking Kreacher. Though it got less funny after a while. They started to get more creative. Lets just say that not everything around the manor is replaceable either. So I was forced to step in.

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