"Easy," Phil said as y/n squirmed out of Technos arms, a slight hint of amusment was in the princes eyes.

"What happened?" the girl asked wiping the tears off her cheeks and trying to get her breath back.

Wilbur looked at her, did she not remeber it? "We just gave you a sleeping shot."

Y/ns head shot to Wilbur, then she realized where she was and what had happened. But that didnt stop her from talking, well shouting.

"Just? Just gave me a shot? Bet you said that when I was screaming and crying in his fucking arms!" y/n slightly shouted pointing to Technoblade before covering her mouth, "Sorry."

Technoblade looked at her confused, "Whats the big deal about shots?"

"I dont want to talk about it," y/n sniffled sitting in the set she had sat in before, right next to the prince that carried her in here.

"Well y/n we have brought you here becuase of some informations that had been learned about this poison," King Philza said showing the small vial that ruined her life.

"Well?" Tubbo said anxiously.

"Spitfire Pepper leaves were the main ingredients in this potion with many other things," Kristin said flashing her gaze at y/n.

"What is that?" Tommy asks like hes supposed to know what it is.

"Its a very posions plant, but the catch is it only grows in, and is only used in, Phomid Kingdom," Philza says sighing at the end.

"So the real question is, y/n how did you get these plants?" Kristin asks staring at y/n with her head held high.

Now that catches y/n off guard, "You think I would go that long of a distance to get a plant from the one kingdom we hate only to ruin the biggest night of my life?"

Kristin looks at Phil not knowing what to say. The king just stares back at her and shrugs.

"If you dare think I'd want to hurt Tommy or any royal you dont know anything. And I would never go to Phomid Kingdom!" the girl said raising her voice and getting up.

Y/n stormed over to the door where Karl and George were, there spears crossed over the door as she approched.

"If you dont move your fucking spears I will personally make it my life mission to kill you, and trust me, I can."

Karl looked at Dream, then to the king, who both nodded. The guards moved there spears as the girl threw open the doors and stormed down the halls to the only familiar doors she knew, the library.

The princes, Tubbo, and Ranboo looked at Philza who gave the nod to Karl.

"Obviously she needed space, Ranboo can you go find her then tell us where she went," the king said glancing at the enderman.

He nodded and the air shifted as purple particles appeared where the boy once was. Techno stood from his seat and headed towards the door, "Ill go look for her too."

But neither fo them found her first. The triplets actually did. Y/n was crying on the loveseat in the library. She dint know the true reasn she was crying but it just felt right. You know when tears just come for no reason but it feels right? Thats what happened to y/n. She'd moved a small table infront of the grand doors so no one could come in, but she didnt think of the endermen.

"Excuse me?" an unfamliar voice said behind the crying girl.

She sniffled, wiping her tears and looked back. Right there were two, non hybrid, enderman with confused faces. The girl looked at them. She only knew what endermen looked like from stories. They were extremelly tall with pointed shoulders and sharp faces. Their lavendar eyes shone very bright. They had hair, which y/n wasnt expecting. It was a midnight black and it wasnt straight or curly, like wavey. It was midlength but a little different on each endermen. Their skin was almost a translucent black with purple shining through. It was intimidating but by the lookes on their faces they ment no harm.

"Im sorry I-" y/n cut off as more tears silently fell.

"Dont be sorry, Im Imbra and this is my brother Aviro," the one with slightly longer hair says.

"Hi Imbra and Aviro," y/n mutters facing away from the endermen.

"We also have a sister names Calypso," the other enderman says and just then the air vibrates as purple particles appear.

"You said my name?" another voice says.

"We were just introducing you to this human," Imbra says pointing at y/n.

Calypso looks at y/n then at her siblings, "Dont introduce yourself to someone crying! Now go!" she says sternly.

Inbram and Aviro nod and the air shifts once again and all that left are small particles.

"Im sorry about them they arent good with humans, and cant really tell a humans feeling," Calypso apologized leaning down infront of the loveseat.

"Its ok," y/n mutters with her head still in her knees, not looking up.

"Now tell me, whats wrong?" the enderman asked as y/n looked up. She looked the same as her siblings expect the hair. It was longer than Imbras by a lot. Not like how Aviro and Imbras hair was only an inch difference. Calypso had much longer hair.

"Everything. I have no clue where my best friend is. I just left my other freinds. And Im still being accused of hurting Tommy!" y/n sobbed.

Calypso pulls back, "You're the assassin?"

"No! I was accused ok, I never waned him to get hurt," y/n said putting her head back inbetween her knees.

Calypso said nothing else before teleporting away. That just made y/n cry even harder. Her only company just left. But that didnt last for long. Moments later there was a loud screeching at the doors, the tables moving. Someone had found her. Y/n didnt bother looking up, she didnt want yet another royal, or guard, to see her crying.

"I thought you'd be here," the one and only prince Technoblade said.

"Leave me alone," y/n muttered just loud enough for him to hear.


"No," y/n sniffled rubbing her face on her knees.

"Really? I can tell from your voice," Techno said sitting in the empty spot by y/n.

"Techno leave me alone," y/n said looking up.

Tears were still streaming down her face, much lighter though. Her cheeks were red and so was her nose.

"Crying infront of a royal, again?" the prince asked.

"Just leave me alone, or are you gonna get another shot to calm me?" y/n said glaring at the prince.

"Well how was I supposed to know you hated shots?" Technoblade defended himself.

"By my screaming and crying! Or by me clawing at your hands! Are you royals that stupid? Oh yeah you are becuase you dont have any fucking evidence yet you still put me in prison!" y/n shouted getting up and walking away.

"I hope your happy with what you've done to me!"

Another chapter! This one was kinda emotional whcih I didnt expect. Sorry for any mis information. Becuase of that long break I forgot some stuff lol. So I know some stuff about Zeve and Tae and other stuff might be wrong so Im gonna say this real quick. Y/n has YOUR eyes and YOUR hair and YOUR features. If I said something differnt previously I have changed that all hopefully. Also Zeve and Tae. Zeve has lighter skin with dull hazel eyes. Shes tall with mid length wavey blonde hair thats ends are dyed orange and yellow. Tae has darker skin (I dont know how to word this properly without sounding bad or rude so yeah) and they have bright green eyes. They also have short ish brown curly hair that has been dyed green ish blue but their roots are still brown. They are also short. Any other information that could be said differently twice just go with whatever one you want to. Anywasy long author note sorry. Im going to stp saying love you at the end becuase I realized it could make some people uncomfortable so sorry. And sorry for the long break again. School got to me plus my lame excuse of a computer broke. But I hope you have a wonderful day/night for whatever time it is for you!

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