As the sound echos out into the dense woods around us, Beryl glides over to us on their skis. "Well now, what's all the celebrations about?"

"It's for Eli learning a new skill. Speaking of new skills, how's Milo doing?" Atlantis asks.

"Really good, besides the few moments he nearly stabbed his own foot," they say, chuckling. "But now he's distracted by our guests up there." Beryl points further up the mountain to where Milo is talking to Vic and Gray. Beryl waves at the group to which Milo and Vic wave back, while Gray hops on his board and glides down to us.

"How's it going Team Snowboarding?" he asks, turning towards me.

"Great! We're both already pros at this," I say, puffing up my chest a bit. Sure, I've only had one solid run down the mountain, but he doesn't need to know that. Malachite and Beryl share an amused look while Atlantis rolls her eyes. 

Gray chuckles, raising an eyebrow in doubt. "Oh, really now? Then you can easily join us on the regular course of the mountain."

"Um, well... why go somewhere crowded when this area exists? Not really a fan of someone less experienced crashing into me," I say crossing my arms and shrugging.

"Hmm, good point. In that case, do you mind following me somewhere cool for a sec. I promise it won't be crowded or too challenging to get to," Gray says picking up his board.

"Um, sure," I say then turn to Malachite, "We'll catch up with you guys later at the lodge?"

"Definitely! I should be finding Beth anyways, see you two later!" he says, already grabbing his board and sprinting towards the snowmobile area. We all laugh a little at how he nearly trips from moving too fast in the thick snow, but it's understandable. Newly mated couples don't like to be separated for long.

Gray and I say our goodbyes to the rest of the group and begin our trek through the forest surrounding the mountain. Gray leading the way down a memorized path that I wouldn't even know was there in the first place. I didn't know that he's visited here that often to have explored this place so much. Either that or Malachite showed him around, which makes sense.

After passing by countless bare trees and shrubs dusted with snow, we walk upon a clearing with a giant lake in the center. Glittering from the sunlight that bounces off it, as it acts like a solid crystal mirror to the world around it, with only a few cracks etched into it. It's honestly beautiful.

Gray walks over to a fallen log nearby, brushing it off before sitting down. He looks back at me with a smile and pats the spot next to him. Despite there probably being other logs to sit at, my legs seem to move on their own towards Gray. We sit in comfortable silence, just enjoying the scenery, but my stupid brain decides to disturb my relaxation by reminding me of how similar this is to the bonfire party a few nights ago.

I was skeptical about Milo's plan at first, but it was worth it to see Grayson speechless without me saying anything. Leave it to Milo to put together a designer level look. But of course, Gray had to have his own twist with the rabbit plush! When did he even have time to get it? The jerk shouldn't have even known that I was bringing him a gift. Then we ended up sitting so close that I started getting a weird warm, dizzy feeling. I honestly thought he was going to kiss me... But I wasn't hoping for that! Nope. Not all. Maybe the thought ran through my head, but NOPE, not hoping for it.

Anyways after that night we've just been... weirdly close. We've spent the days after that hanging out with friends, or sometimes even by ourselves. Exploring the town, trying out restaurants, and talking with locals until Malachite was finally free enough to take us all to the ski lodge.

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