Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eight

Start from the beginning

We all looked at each other, dumbfounded at his words. No one said a word for what felt like ten minutes, as none of us could understand our situation. Then, as always, Kristonia broke the silence.

"Eh? Who the fuck is Zero Zero One, and who the fuck is he talking to?" Kristonia exclaimed.

We didn't even get to ask questions, and now we find the situation is not what we thought. The identical hologram from the elevator materialized a second later in the center of the room.

"Now that Dr. Ashland has informed you of the rules per company policy, I have granted you free time until 4:00 am or 0400 hours. After that, if you have questions, you are free to ask the many customer service holograms located through DNA Labs!" the female hologram said.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Kristonia yelled.

"Please refrain from using explicit language," the female hologram said.

"I don't understand these rules. I already have quarters," Dr. Iris stated.

"During trials, we require you to remain with the test subject for the duration of the trials. We have stated this clearly in your contract," it said.

"No, It's not in my contract. Clinical trials don't operate this way," Dr. Warren said.

"I'm sorry, but we require these protocols, Dr. Warren. However, because of the classified nature of the trials, DNA Labs must maintain strict confidentiality procedures," the female hologram explained.

"Why have the trials been classified? What do you mean? Can we talk to Dr. Ashland?" Dr. Iris asked.

"I'm sorry, that is impossible. Unfortunately, Dr. Ashland is currently busy," it replied.

"None of this was in the contracts we signed with DNA Labs. You can't just change a legally binding document without a court of law. Humans have rights!" Dr. Iris urged.

"Are you human? Only a human can sign a legally binding document, as you say. What defines a human? Am I human, Dr. Iris?" the female hologram questioned.

"Why are we being treated like this?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, as a test subject. Unfortunately, you are unauthorized to make such inquiries," the female hologram stated.

"What?" Kristonia said.

"Why can't she ask questions? Why can't any of us ask questions?" I replied.

"Again, I'm sorry, as a test subject. I regret to inform you that you are not authorized to conduct such inquiries," the female hologram stated.

"That makes no sense. How are we supposed to gain authorization if we can't ask questions? What kind of protocol is that? Where is Dr. Ashland? I want to speak to an administrator now!"

The female hologram turns her attention to me. I can tell because she took a step towards me.

"Kristen, you have already spoken to an administrator. Follow your protocol. The subject of this interaction will now be closed, and you will be prohibited from making further inquiries," the female hologram explained.

"What, I don't understand!" I shouted, almost falling from my wheelchair.

"Again, I'm sorry, as a test subject. Due to your status as a test subject, you are not authorized to make these inquiries," the female hologram stated.

It was thanks to Dr. Iris that I was able to regain stability on the wheel. She looked at the female hologram with a displeased expression.

"Kristina and Kristen are not testing subjects. So, what the hell is going on here!" Dr. Iris demanded.

"My apologies, as you are a test subject for the company. You are not authorized to conduct such inquiries," the female hologram stated.

"She's a doctor, not a test subject," Dr. Warren countered.

"Please accept my apologies. Unfortunately, as a test subject, I cannot answer your questions. It is unfortunate that you are not authorized to make such inquiries. However, I can assure you the four of you are test subjects per DNA Labs Board of Directors, effective immediately. Signed and dated October 7th, 2849, by Director, Doctor Brandow Hollander," the female hologram stated.

"That's insane! What the fuck are you talking about. It's April, not October, and that year is way fucking off. I think you need to get your circuits checked. You are spitting nonsense now!"Kristonia said, pacing back and forth.

"Of course, the current month is December 19th, and the year is classified. I am sorry you feel that way, but I cannot answer your questions any further. The discussion is over. Next, if you prefer to make a call, now is the time. It is now 8:00 pm," announced the female hologram before vanishing.

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