Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

In the initial hours of our flight, Kristonia and I had surrendered to exhaustion, succumbing to the lull of slumber. When we awoke, our senses were greeted by the tantalizing aroma of cheeseburgers, crispy fries, and chilled cokes being served by the flight attendants. It was a meal that felt thoughtfully curated, a reflection of the meticulous research that had gone into understanding our preferences.

As we savored our meal, the mini holo-TVs mounted on the backs of our seats sprang to life, each displaying a different advertisement. The images materialized and melded into one coherent projection, creating a lifelike scene that seemed to envelop us. A well-groomed, middle-aged man, clean-shaven and exuding an air of authority, took center stage in the holographic presentation.

He spoke with the confidence of someone seated in the row ahead of us, images pertaining to his discourse flanking his visage. The realism of the projections was uncanny, to the point where I almost believed I could reach out and touch the man's face. It was as if he could detect our subconscious reactions, responding to our unspoken thoughts.

"Here at the Life Foundation," the AI-man began, his voice resonating with sincerity, "we are unwavering in our pursuit of excellence. Our mission is to elevate humanity through innovation and progress. But what does this mean, exactly? It means we dedicate ourselves to pioneering technologies and advancements that enhance the quality of life for all. Take DNA Labs, for instance, one of our esteemed subsidiaries. They labor relentlessly to create, discover, and manufacture life-saving products that touch lives across the globe. Then there's The Tyron Corporation, which provides vital defense hardware to the Federation of the United American Territories and its allies, safeguarding countless lives daily. Whether it's Akutou-Tycho Heavy Industries, crafting state-of-the-art vehicles and vessels, or the Sasoriza Corporation, the world's leading supplier of domestic and military robots and drones, our subsidiaries deliver unparalleled products and services, enriching the lives of people worldwide."

"Your continued support and purchases allow us to continue to strive for a better world for us all!" The cheerful voice on the TV blared, filling the living room with an infectious enthusiasm.

"Wow, that was an upbeat commercial!" I exclaimed, turning to my sister, Kristonia, who was sitting beside me on the couch. Her long, auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face with soft waves. The freckles on her cheeks danced as she grinned.

A representative from the charity organization walked down the aisle, his smile as bright as the stage lights. He took a seat in the adjacent row, facing us. "Could you provide me with more information?" he asked, directing his question at me.

I tilted my head, puzzled. "What do you mean? As far as I know, that has been taken care of," I replied, furrowing my brows.

He leaned forward slightly, his gaze focused on a tablet in his hand. "This is just for record-keeping purposes," he explained, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," I replied, nodding slowly. My fingers tapped nervously on the armrest of the couch.

The representative turned his attention to me, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "How is your condition?" he asked, his voice soft and empathetic.

I sighed, resigning myself to the routine questions I had to answer. "There has been no change in my condition," I replied, my tone monotone. "I still have feelings in my legs, but the pain never goes away."

Kristonia chimed in, her voice supportive. "Yes, she has not regained mobility, and her pain is constant. But, truth be told, I think she's adapted to the pain."

The representative nodded, making notes on his tablet. "How is your condition, Kristonia?" he inquired, shifting his attention to my sister.

Kristonia raised an eyebrow, a hint of confusion in her hazel eyes. "Huh, why do you want to know about me?" she asked, her head tilting to the side.

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