18- Moody's Suggestion

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~Author POV~

The next day for the quartet went by quickly and now the only class they had were potions and defense against the dark arts and unfortunately both of them were unfortunately with Slytherins.

"I swear to Merlin if Malfoy does anything to us or even make a snarky comment I will punch him on the face" Ron said not really talking to Harry but still walking with Hermione and Adriana.

"Oh stop with the whining Ronald, you will only lose your house marks!" Hermione scolded and Adriana and Harry just looked at them trying very hard to not laugh at their remarks.

The four of them reached there potions classroom and went to take their place. By the organisation of the class they new it will be a practical class.

"I wonder what nonsense we are going to brew now" Adriana sighed leaning her head on Harry's shoulder who laughed at her.

"Maybe a potion to kill all the gryffindor students?" He said making her chuckle.

"But I would suggest a potion that could make potion teacher non bias" Adriana said lifting her head to see Harry's reaction.

"It would involve less blood but accepted" He said and and the same moment Snape made his dramatic entrance making the Gryffindor students groan lightly.

"We will be making Calming Draught Make the potion by the instruction written on the board while scribbling them in your notebook. Start" He said in his cold and monotone voice.

Adriana read the ingredients and grimaced when she read Crocodile heart and took out medical gloves out of her bag wearing them making Harry laugh.

"Why are you wearing them?" He asked and she pointed at the board.

"Adjust your glasses and look at the ingredients" She said and he read them out loud.

"Lavender, Crocodile heart, Peppermint" He read with a confused look and unfortunately Snape and the others heard him.

"Thanks a lot, Mr. Potter for your great intelligence and contribution for us" He said sarcastically making the slytherins laugh.

"Don't mention it sir, I am more than pleased to help you" He also said sarcastically making Hermione and Adriana look at him with wide eyes but he just shrugged at them.

Snape glared at him and said "Continue" He grumbled and went to do his work.

"That was an awesome reply, Har..... Didn't knew you had it in you" She praised making Harry smirk.

"Good to know I pleased you, m'lady" He said making her raise her eyebrows and let out an amused chuckle.

"Whatever happens I am not going to pick crocodile heart" Adriana said stubbornly eyeing the ingredient disgustingly making Harry laugh.

The lesson went by Snape criticising Neville and taking house points from Gryffindor.

When it was time to finish the lesson everyone was exhausted and the next lesson was DADA in half an hour.

"Let's go to professor Moody's classroom" Hermione said with drowsy eyes.

"I am not going to sit in another class for this half an hour!" Ron whined making Hermione even more frustrated which Adriana noticed.

"Ron! See Dean and Neville are calling you, go!" Adriana said and Ron's eyes widened in excitement because he didn't wanted to be near Harry cause it was impossible for him to not feel guilty for putting Harry in such a position.

"Let's go?" Harry asked trying to diffuse Hermione's anger for Ron.

"Yeah, let's go" Adriana agreed slipping her arm around Hermione's and dragging her to Moody's class.

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