32- Trip to Azkaban

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~Author POV~

After leaving the great hall Adriana went to the black lake and leaned against the tree near to the lake.

Meanwhile in the great hall Cedric, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dean is furious and decides to do something special for Adriana as they all had made a special connection with her.

They all with the help of twins prepares a plan for a party near the black lake at night and part their ways to their classes.

Cedric had defense against the dark arts class so he heads to the classroom with his friends while the trio went to potions where they found Adriana sitting and reading.

They all share confused glances and settle besides her. She looks up and flash a cheerful smile at them and then again went to her book.

"Anna?" Hermione said cautiously.

She hummed in response.

"Are you okay?" She asked as Adriana nods.

"Ofcourse" Adriana answered.

"We are sorry about what lavender d—" Hermione starts but Adriana interrupt her.

"She was just scared, Hermione...... It's alright, I would have also been scared if I would have been in her place but what she did was a little.......... Violent, but it's alright" Adriana says as the three of them shoots her pitiful looks which she brushes off.

The rest of the class went horribly as usual with Snape's taunts towards Adriana and Harry and useless praising of Slytherin.

The gryffindor were now moving to their next class which was divination.

Hermione and Adriana were moving behind of Harry and Ron as Ron talked to Harry.

"What do you think is wrong with Professor Lupin? He seems really tired, don't you think?" Ron asked as Harry nodded. As he was going to continue he heard a 'tut' sound from behind.

As Ron turned around he saw Hermione tugging.

"What?" He asked her frustrated as Adriana and Harry glanced at each other.

"Nothing"she answered simply.

"Then why were you Tutting when I talked about professor Lupin getting more sick?" He asked growing frustrated minute by minute.

"Isn't it obvious?" She said cooly.

"What is obvious?" This time Harry asked.

"That's why you both should be more attentive in classes" Hermione said cooly as Ron replied furiously.

"If you don't want to reply then don't!"

"Fine!" Hermione said matching his tone and bumped her shoulder with Ron's and went to her next class as Adriana glared at her friend's behaviour before following her.

~Adriana POV~

I went after Hermione but was a little late because she was already gone. I sighed and continued to go to my DADA class hoping to see her.

~time skip~

When I reached the class I did saw Hermione but she was sitting with Parvati so I sighed and went to sit next to Dean.

After the class we had lunch so I decided to skip as I was not hungry and went to the common room which was empty.

Happy that I finally got some personal time I plopped on the seat by the wall at the corner as it was now not that cold.

I pulled my PSP and earphones out of the bag and started playing the song with my favorite mystery thriller book: The perfect murder by Ruskin Bond.

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