16- Fighting after a long time

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~Author POV~

A lot of time went by and defense against the dark arts simply became the best subject for all students.

Malfoy and his goons didn't had any topic to bully their new professor so they went on how shabby he looked in his old robes which no one cared.

For Adriana everything was new so every subject had it's own excitement.

She often had a little argument with snape because of her friend and by friends, Harry, Hermione and Ron had become her best friends.

Dean, Seamus and Neville had been a good company for her too.

Neville often companied her to the library where he told her all about herbology.

She pulled various pranks on the caretaker flinch and Professor Snape with the Weasley twins which resulted in two detention worth a week.

She was doing pretty well in all her subject excluding History of Magic.

There were so many dates to learn that she didn't even opened her book for one week.

In divination they all continued the reading of tea leaves, so there were constant reminder for Harry that a grim is following him which was pathetic if you ask from Hermione and Adriana but on the other hand Ron took it seriously and always reminded Harry to run is if he sees a black big dog or instantly call for help.

Hermione kept giving her friends jump scares by appearing out of no where but nobody was able to figure out why.

Adriana had already stepped on Malfoy's toes so bad that he limped for two days. She also tried to join quidditch but was terrible in flying so gave up.

It was winters now and snow was covering the roof of the castle making it look like the one in a fairytale. The white snow covering the grounds made the ground look like it was a big play area for Hogwarts students.

There were many snowmen with the name of the makers.

Harry and Adriana came in the common room after flinch's detention which was luckily in Professor MCgonagall's office.

They both sat there for one hour eating choco chip cookies.

Adriana also asked her If she can do anything to get her a company in her morning fighting classes.

She was completed with the stretches and wanted to start practicing with her fighting skills.

The professor told her a spell to convert things into humans who can fight.

When they both entered the common room they saw a group of students surrounding the notice board.

"What happened?" Harry asked Ron who was sitting with hermione near the fireplace.

"First hogsmeade trip! Really excited." He said excitingly.

Harry's face fell on the name of hogsmeade trip and sat down across Ron and Hermione.

Adriana saw that and went to sit next to him. She was not very good in comforting people but she always tried and this time also she grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze to comfort him.

He looked at her in shock while she just smiled sweetly. After a moment he accepted the squeeze gladly and gripped her hand tightly in return but not too hard.

Hermione saw that because when Harry looked towards them she smirked mischievously while he smiled innocently.

"What is the matter, mate?" Ron asked after noticing his face.

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