28- Dead should remain dead

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~Author POV~

After comming from the hospital wing the quartet sat in their common room which was now empty.

"So, what else did I miss?" Adriana asked.

"Not much re—" Ron started but Harry cut him.

"What?!?! Not much! They both are not talking to each other!" Harry pointed.

Adriana furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Hermione and Ron.

"Care to explain?" She asked glaring at them.

"Because her cat always tries to kill my mouse!"

"It's there basic nature, Ronald!" Hermione snapped.

Adriana held up my hand indicating them to stop and they did—they really stopped.

Adriana started in a calm voice.

"Malfoy junior has already stomped on my happiness tonight so please God's sake please stop and Harry" she turned towards Harry "if there is something more important then I am all ears!" She exclaimed.

"Umm......... I got–a firebolt" he stuttered as she looked at her in confusion.

"As if I know what it is......... What is it?" She asked curiously.

"It is the fastest broom in tthe world" he said not very happily.

It took a moment for her to realise what he was talking about and when she did a wide grin spread across her face.

"That's–that's amazing! Now you are gonna smash ravenclaw in the next match–it's gryffindor vs ravenclaw, right?" The three of them nodded but for some reason Harry didn't looked cheerful about it and Ron looked angry.

"And why aren't you both happy?" She asked.

Before Harry could answer Ron did "because our friend, Hermione told professor MCgonagall about it and she took it away from Harry!" He exclaimed angrily.

Adriana looked at Hermione and saw her Pink with embarrassment.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at the trio before continuing calmly.

"Why, though?"

"Because I think–Professor MCgonagall too, that it must be a trap for Harry" Hermione explained her point of view while Adriana furrowed her eyebrows thinking.

After a moment she started.

"Being in this school, with you all and especially with Harry for almost four months now I have understood the our chosen one here is under red zone for 365 days–but who do you suspect Hermione to send such an expensive gift just to set a trap?" She said calmly but somehow Harry felt his neck burn and then a blush rose to his cheeks at the nickname she gave.

It sounded very annoying from others and Harry would just want to run away from the conversation which included all the 'chosen one' shit but hearing it from Adriana's mouth made Harry very red.

His two friends noticed the redness and smirked knowingly.

"Umm, guys?" Adriana said once again breaking the trio from their trance and look at her while she raised her eyebrows and shook her head lightly.

"I–I thi–think that it's–s Sirius Black" Hermione answered awkwardly because of all the family issues.

Adriana tensed at her father's name and didn't wanted to continue the conversation but chose to not show it and moved on.

"Hmm, actually it is logical if you see this whole situation this way......... Don't tell me you both are not talking to her because of this!" She exclaimed suddenly making the trio jump.

Hell Bound? (Harry Potter × Fem!reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ