7- The gryffindor common room

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~Adriana POV~

The hat yelled Gryffindor and the table at the extreme corner bursted in cheering while the other tables just clapped leaving the one with green and silver banners.

I went to the table and the twins came and patted my back.

Then I noticed the same Raven hair with green eyes, sitting and smiling at me.

A smile crept on my face and I jumped to sit between Harry and Ron.

"Wow Anna! You made in Gryffindor!" Ron yelled

I nodded happily and then stopped.

"How do you know my nickname?" I asked a little shocked

"Bloody hell! This is your nickname?" he asked and I nodded.

"Wow" he breathed out.

Then I turned my head towards Harry and to my surprise he was looking at me only.

"what?" I asked

"now we can be best friends!" he exclaimed and I smiled.

"was your sister telling the truth that you don't have any friends?" he asked and I turned red.

"No!" I said quickly

"I do have friends but not very, like the one who dance with me are my friends." I explained.

He made an o noise and turned his head towards the platform.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled and the hall went quite.

Hermione came running in and sat across us.

"oh! I missed the sorting." she said with a sad expression

"in which house did Adriana go? I really wished that she was in our house." she said not noticing me at all.

"I guess the hat granted your wish." I said while smiling.

"OHH! You are in the same house!!" she squealed and I laughed softly.

As I was going to say something dumbledore started.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words.....before we all become too befuddled
by our excellent feast." he said.

"First, I'm pleased to welcome
Professor R.J. Lupin, who's kindly consented
to fill the post, of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." dumbledore continued.

Professor Lupin stood up and bowed lightly and the hall again erupted in applause.

"Good luck, professor." Dumbledore said.

"Of course! That's why he knew to give you both the chocolate,Adriana and Harry." Hermione said and I nodded.

But then a cold voice said from behind.

"Potter. Is it true you fainted?" a boy with dirty blond hair and pale skin said.

"I mean, you actually fainted?" he said again and 2 students around him started to laugh.

I furrowed my eyebrows and said.

"And if you don't shut your mouth, who knows you will be the next one to faint and........if we prepare a cue then those pigs will be next." I said glaring at the two boys laughing at Harry for no reason.

The boy with pale skin glared at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You Black,right?" he asked.

"if you had been paying attention on the speech than cracking useless jokes, then you shouldn't had to ask." I taunted and people from the gryffindor table who had been listening the whole conversation burst in laughter.

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