part 24 1/2 ( bringing back the childhood memories )

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When I was woken up by the sun in the morning, for a while I had to wonder where I was. Then when I remembered what happened yesterday, I looked at my arm.

"Thank goodness the morning finally woke you up, now it's my turn." Blezi's eyes were swollen and she was sitting in front of my bed staring at me. perhaps she was exceeding tired.

"Did you stay up all night because of me?" Instead of giving me an answer, her eyes answered and she crawled to the pillow and fell asleep. I had no idea that Blezi had been watching over me, while I was sleeping! But while I can get up now, so I want her to come here and sleep on the bed, now she doesn't have to sleep on the floor anymore.


"Shiiiii" Rose had brought food and stopped me when I raised my voice. And respectfully placing the food in front of me, said, "She has been up all night, let her sleep......You must like to eat in your room, right? That's why I thought of bringing your food to your bed your highness." How did this girl's attitude towards me change so much, just in one night? her father must have told her to do so. Because last night she, herself revealed my secret to her father. It may be that this goodness of her is only external, not real. I doubt it. This girl was turning away from helping me yesterday. Maybe she has come to know that I am a prince, that's why she is treating me well. "what happened our sovereignty ness prince? Why aren't you eating? Don't you like the food?"

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize how long I had been doing nothing. "Oh no no it's not like that."
This girl again asked restlessly, "Then what's the problem?" "Amm....." "I told my father that at that time it is not necessary to give food to the prince, but he told me to give it to him. If you don't want to eat now, forgive me, I brought food without your permission." "wh..." "In fact, I take the same food for my brothers without asking them. And I have no idea and no experience of how to treat an emperor, a prince, so if you don't think it all right, I'll go and tell father." "No no wait. I did not mean that I should not eat." She turned back and said"th....then?" Thankfully, she stopped to listen to me, otherwise she would have been answering questions by herself, where did she have time to listen to me?

"I am neither denying the food nor forbidding to eat that food. My excuse is that, I have just woken up, let me get ready first, then I would like to eat with you all."

"With us?"

"Yes. Did you understand now?" She rolled her eyes and said yes. And after that she showed me the way.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

As I was stirring the hot iron in the fire with tongs to see how much more time it needed to become completely red, I heard footsteps. I figured it must be Rose who came late today. I went and saw her climbing the stairs with the luggage. I grabbed her basket to lighten her weight and said "You're late today!" And without waiting for her answer, after placing the basket on the front table, I go to the fire to take out the iron. because it was ready for round two. Rose took off her shawl and then sat down and said, "Yes, brother, I know. You know why I am late in coming here." I showed a little smile. She is probably saying this because climbing on this stones area of mountains are always tuff for her. She came to me and saw me doing my work and said "Looks like you're busy preparing for a war." I didn't answer her question because I was too busy with my work. Still she said "your work seems to be taking too much so when you will eat?"
"I am not hungry right now.... Will see after work." "Where is Refyus? He hasn't been seen since morning...... Anddddd Did he apologize to you?" I looked at her and said "If anyone deserves forgiveness, it is your father, not me, he should apologize to him" And then I put the iron branch, which was getting colder, into the mercury again, take out the other branch which was already reddened, and after placing it on the board, I say "It was done, there is no need to remember it more.......And I don't know where Refyus is." Then she said"I know where Refyus can be." She turned around and grabbed his lunch box and said in hurry.

[Fairy In The Forest] Minutestory017Where stories live. Discover now