six. wicked hoax

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006.    wicked hoax


TEAGAN WALKED BESIDES FALLON as her older sister was meant to meet Michelle, James and Clare by the Quinn's house.

Fallon had just finished explaining what has happened to her little sister and Teagan thought it was outrageous. "Fallon, you lied about seeing Our Lady smirk?" Her sister questioned.

She nodded. "Aye. But Clare, Orla and Chel saw it."

"Right..." Teagan hummed. "And then you saw her cry?"

"Yeah, now you say it like that, T..." Fallon thought for a moment before she looked down at her sister. "It does sound a bit, well..."

"Crazy? Yeah," She finished her sentence before she spotted Michelle and began to run up to her. "Michelle! I missed you!" She yelled as she jumped up into the girls arms.

Michelle spun the small girl around before placing her back down on the ground. "I missed you too, T."

Teagan smiled at her but frowned once she saw a face she didn't know. She pulled Michelle and Fallon down by their legs as she pointed up at James. "Who's the funny looking fella?"

James looked around before he realized she was talking to him. "Me?"

"Goodness gracious," The small girl gasped. "He's English."

Michelle chuckled. "I know, T, he's also a massive dick."

"Hey!" James exclaimed as he began to follow the girls towards Erin's house. After knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell, Erin opened the door, allowing them inside.

"It is mental out there. Everyone's talking about us. Dennis gave me a free pick 'n' mix, bonbons and all!" Michelle excitedly burst out. "No fucking about, like, we're basically celebrities now. We're like The Corrs."

Orla perked up at the last part. "Can I be Jim?"

"It's too much, Erin. I can't handle it. I think I'm going to crack." Clare began breathing heavily with anxiety.

"Well, Teagan's not happy about it. She thinks I've gone absolutely mental," Fallon looked down at her. "Isn't that right?"

"Aye," She nodded. "Sure is."

"Okay, look. This had got way out of hand," Erin noticed James at the back in his all black outfit or his attempt to look like Father Peter. "What are you wearing?"

"What did I say? You look like a fucking ballbag."

"He's trying to copy daddy Peter," Fallon smirked at him whilst Orla began to touch his hair. "Isn't that right, Father James?"

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