thirty. beware of the devil

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

030.    beware of the devil


"WE'D LIKE TO REPORT A CRIME." Fallon said with urgency as the group scrambled into Sister Michael's office with frowns of their faces.

"Right." The nun said.

"Just now, Jenny Joyce's singing-"

Erin got cut off by the nun, "Being really, really, really, really bad at something isn't actually a crime."

"It should be." Fallon huffed out as Sister Michael agreed with her.

"No, Sister. When we went on that retreat with Father Peter, he asked us to write something about faith." Erin told her as Clare silently nodded besides her.

"Oh, thank Christ I had pneumonia that weekend."

Clare looked like she was about to burst and, well, she did, "We wrote that song, Sister. Jenny stole it!"

Then the phone had began to ring and Sister Michael held up her finger at them before she picked up the phone and answered, "You may speak. Oh, no. Of course. Leave it to me." She sounded saddened as she hung up the phone.

"Is everything okay, Sister?" Clare asked.

There was a silence for a moment before she responded, "My aunt just died."

"Oh, no."

"We're so sorry, Sister." James gave her his sympathy.

"Don't be, girls. She had been ill for a very long time, and also, she was an absolute arsehole."

"Well, if there's anything we can do." Erin told her as they all nodded in agreement but Sister Michael's head perked up at them with a faint smile.

"The hospice wants to release the body, but the house it a tip. The woman was a desperate hoarder. I doubt we'd fit the coffin in," She chuckled as she pulled out a map and wrote something down on it. "Once you pass the border, it's pretty straightforward, but if you hit Gortahork, you've gone too far. I need it done by tomorrow."

"Are you asking us to cross the border and clean your dead aunt's house?" Erin asked, in shock.

"I'd do it myself, but I don't want to." Sister Michael shrugged.

Fallon nodded, "It's a right pain to clean a dead person house up."

"How will we even get there?" James asked.

"You can take the school van." She threw the van keys towards James.

Clare turned to them all and whispered, "I'm not sure about this."

Michelle and Fallon gave each other a look, a look that the group was very familiar with. 

"I must say, Clare, I find your attitude shocking. Sister Michael has asked us to do something in her hour of need, and if that means we must spent a night in Donegal, in a house, in an adult-free house, for the entire night," Michelle started winking. "Then that I'd a cross that we'll just have to bear."

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