twenty six. the gcse

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026.    the gcse


BEING SAT IN THE INTEROGGATION ROOM, really brought Fallon back to when she was a kid. The police repeating the same question to her over and over again as she was a stupid little girl. 'Where did your Mammy put the weed?' 'Where did your Da put the weed?' 'Where did you put the weed?' Fallon was thankful that this time the word weed wouldn't come up.

A man walked into the room and the other officer in the room with them stood up and said 'Sir' which made Clare stand up and yell, "Sir!"

"Oh, dickhead!"

"Please, sit down," The chief inspector told Clare and, thankfully, she did. "Okay, ladies... we'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Nice uniform," Michelle complimented him, giving Fallon a side glance to join in with her. "It suits you well." Fallon joined in with a flirtatious tone.

"Thank you, both."

"Oh, your welcome." 

"So welcome."

"Not now, you two!" James shook his head.

"Okay, Sir, I would just like to state for the tape," Erin began but the man cut her off. "There is no tape," He informed but Erin still continued on. "That we are completely and totally innocent. And this is just a horrific miscarriage of judgement."

"Grand."  The officer nodded.

"Excuse me?"

"Here's where we're at girls-"

"I'm actually a boy." James interrupted.

"Okay, love. We've had several reports of suspicious activity on the grounds of Our Lady Immaculate College this evening. Following up on that lead we discover you six on the premises. that the locks on the side door have been forced, and alarm system deactivated. Now we can't get hold of the headmistress, Sister George Michael."

"George Michael?" James looked confused.

"But the caretaker has informed us that a substantial amount of computer equipment seems to have vanish." The police inspector finished off.

"We didn't take it." Erin shut down, immediately, making it seem rather suspicious.

His gaze narrowed, "What were you doing on the grounds, girls?"

Erin had began to stammer, trying to come up with a valid reason to why they were at school, that was until Orla told the two men that they were trying to 'break in' and Erin busted out with a demand. "We would like to speak to our solicitor, please!"

CARDIGAN ━━━━ michelle mallonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora