Chapter Sixty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Here we are," Uncle Ben says, shuffling forward in his seat. The driver comes round and opens the door for him, helping him out with his cane.

Arthur and Harry follow suit, with Harry pausing to help me out of the black cab. He holds his hand out for me, and I gently take it, so very badly longing to keep hold of it.

"Miss Chapman," he says. His eyes lock on mine when our hands touch. 

"Mr. Styles," I smile back. 

"You're here!" A woman sings out as she greets Uncle Ben at the front door. Dressed in a red velvet dress and practically dripping in diamonds, she grasps hold of Uncle Ben's free hand. "Ben Williams, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

"Marion, you look as radiant as ever," Uncle Ben says. "Hazel, come here please, this here is Marion Westwood."

"Marvelous to meet you, Hazel," she says, holding out her white gloved hand. "My Eliza and Jack had such wonderful things to say about you."

"It's lovely to meet you," I say politely.

"That accent! Why you're positively adorable!" She exclaims. With beautiful chocolate waves and piercing blue eyes, the resemblance between Marion and her children is uncanny. Her kindness, however, has only seemed to rub off on one of her offspring, I note though.

"Hazel!" Eliza calls out as all four of us enter the grand hallway. 

"Eliza," I give her a kiss on both cheeks. "How are you?"

"Just grand! Oh and look, Mr. Styles, how wonderful to see you again" She flashes him a big smile as she holds out her hand for him. He gives it a polite peck and I have to look away, hiding my jealous face from the growing crowd.

"Mother, can I steal Hazel? I'd love to introduce her to some of the girls!"

"Why of course- Just make sure that if you see your brother he acts a gentleman."

"As if that could be my responsibility," she huffs. 

"Eliza," Marion carefully warns.

"Fine, fine, fine. I'll make sure he's on his best behavior. Come on now Hazel, let's go find the fun crowd."

Eliza tugs me along. I look back at Harry, who gives me an ushering smile and I know he's alright. Eliza ends up introducing me to all sorts of young men and women who end up being the sons and daughters of some rather intimidating people. No one says anything out right objectionable, but I can tell that these are not my people.

By my third glass of champagne, the crowd begins to discuss their New Years Eve plans. All of which sound grander than anything I've ever imagined.

"Really, you must visit us for the New Year, Eliza," a boy named Edward says with a posh accent. 

"They have the most exquisite palazzo in the south of Italy" Eliza's friend Beverly says. "It's positively delightful. A proper way to spend some much needed relaxation."

What a person like Beverly needs to relax from, I have no idea.

"Where does your family usually holiday?" Edward asks me. I think it's intended to be a friendly question, but the way the group stares at me, I can't help but feel judged.

"Um, well, sometimes we'd visit the city," I say, grasping one arm nervously. "But we usually just did day trips to the sound or visit the beach."

"How.. wholesome.." Beverly sneers. Two girls dripping in diamonds laugh beside her.

"I think that sounds marvelously cozy," Eliza says, making me feel better.

"You're more than welcome to join us," Edward says, "You'd make for fine company." He flashes me a bright, but entirely devilish smile before taking a swig of his champagne. I look around the room, a tad uncomfortable, hoping to find sight of Harry.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now