BRB--January 23rd

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      It was well past midnight, most of the guys were well past 6 beers in...Aspen and Bristol were catching up with the guys they did know.  The guys they didn't know that well, were falling in love with them.  There were actually very few wives or girlfriends in attendance.  That only meant, sometime later down the road, there would be another cookout.  Probably when it got warmer.

      All I could do was set back and watch my girl in her element.  These guys loved her something fierce.

      Aspen came over and straddled my lap. "You're a lot less pissy. How many are you on?" She nodded toward my beer bottle.

      My hands instinctively went to her hips, my right one sneaking under her tank top to rub her bare back. "This is number two."

      "Well...that's...less than I thought you were gonna say." She cocked her head a little, trying to figure out why I wasn't as annoyed and pissed as I was when everyone first came over.

      I grinned, pulled her head down to mine so I could kiss her. "I'm very much clear headed Baby. So much so, that I know we could leave everyone down here for an hour or the rest of the night and they'd not notice."

      "Oh?" She had a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. She dipped her voice lower. "And what would we do for an hour or the rest of the night, Mr. Brighton, while we have an outside full of tier one operators?"

      "I wouldn't be opposed to you sucking my dick for starters, Mrs. Brighton." My grin got wider, her cheeks got pink. "Then...we could see where it leads from there."

      She ran her hands behind my neck, threading her tiny perfect fingers into my hair, and leaned down and kissed me. "It sounds like you have some plans."

      "You have no idea the number of plans I have." I put my beer bottle down on the ground next to my chair. "All of them include a lot less fucking clothes and...." Put both of my hands on her ass and scooted her closer to me. I made sure she could feel how hard I was. "Most..."

      "What are you two love birds whispering about over here?"  Trenton had to come over and ruin our moment by cutting off me telling Aspen the rest of my plans for her. I could have seriously kicked him in the balls.

      "Just telling your sister how I'm bout to be balls deep inside her."  I growled.

      Trenton whipped his head up and shot daggers at me.  "Tell me that's the alcohol talking there Brighton. I know you're not doing things to my baby sister."

      My earlier annoyance was coming back with a vengeance.  I love these Ellington brothers but fuck, sometimes... "Actually I've only had —"

      "SEVEN! HE'S HAD SEVEN!!"  Aspen quickly jumped in.  She was way too animated and loud about it so of course she raised suspicions.  The fact that she slapped her hand over my mouth didn't help throw Trenton off our scent either.

      "Something is happening here that I can't figure out if I want to know about or not."

      "Then fucking go somewhere else and figure that out."  My eyes never left Aspen's while I tried to ditch her brother.  I just wanted to be inside and upstairs with my wife.

      Trent narrowed his gaze, still trying to figure us out.  "I'm going to..."

      "Go.  You're gonna go Trent.  Levi is over there looking like he needs to be wrangled in."  Levi was on Trenton's team and was teetering around the pool.  He had definitely had his fair share of alcohol and Aspen was using that to our advantage.  I got annoyed on a whole different level.  Seeing Levi losing himself tonight meant that Aspen would take his keys and make him stay in the house until she deemed him safe to go back to his own home. 

      Fucking hell.

      "Damnit."  Trent dropped his empty bottle in the trash and headed over to get his fourth under control.  "Charlie Four!"

     " being married to you, being around all these guys, while nobody knows...that's going to be tougher than I thought."  I tipped my chin up so I could kiss her, while I played with the button on her jeans.

      "Am I leaving first then? And you following?" She was playing with the collar of my shirt. Trying to stay in control of how turned on I knew she was.

     I stood up abruptly, causing Aspen to cling to me like her life depended on it.  She squealed.  "What the fuck are you doing Beau!?"

      "There's no way in fucking hell I'm sneaking around in my own home.  So, I'm taking you upstairs Baby and I'm not trying to hide it from anyone."  I grinned.  

      "Beau...."  I don't know why she was trying to warn me off.  She wanted this just as badly as I did.

      "You're my wife."  I whispered against the skin of her neck, while I gently kissed it.  "This is our house.  I'd love to see your brothers, or any of these fuckers, try to stop me from doing what I know we both want right now."

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