ACE -- December 24th

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Once Mom hit the watch, I knew it was safe to talk again. I don't really know what she thought would come from having almost the whole crew here. Of course we'd be fucking rambunctious.

I leaned over to Beau's mom and motioned to the tv. "Do you know who we've heard from tonight RosaMomma?"

She just shook her head. "Nobody yet BabyGirl." She kissed my cheek and moved over to the couch.

I made a mental note to ask how she really was handling the cancer. Whether I asked Beau or my mom, Rosalyn looked exhausted. And even on her worst days as a single mom with Beau...she never looked exhausted.

I readjusted Hudson to my left arm to I could grab my phone. I loved this little boy. I was glad Lauren and him joined the family. "Even tho I call bullshit that Bris can join and I can't...Instagram will love watching you all fail miserably."

They were in full swing when I sat down on the couch to look thru the snaps I'd took for the bakery page. We'd never actually imagined a dessert business taking off so well when Bristol and I ran it by our godfathers and launched two years ago. We had already repaid the godfathers' back their shares in helping fund the project. We were both on our own and honestly didn't have to worry about a cent. which, when you're 21/'s oddly satisfying.

The tv started ringing, which stirred the sleeping baby, so I hit answer before I had checked who it was.

"You're not my wife?" Casey.

I motioned for him to hush and tipped his son a little so he could see the little man sleep. I swear I could almost see his heart burst. I held up a finger letting him know I'd go grab Lo for him so they could have family time before the sharks ascended.

Casey was another one who'd gone to high school with the brothers and Beau. He'd met Lauren two years back, got married in 8 months, found out they were pregnant and then got deployed.

I didn't know much about Lauren's family. Casey's mom left during his junior year and once he signed on with the military his dad cut him out entirely. I think Eli was the only blood family he had left that still claimed him. My parents being my parents, took him in fully and when he talked to Mom about them having a baby earlier than really planned...we all stepped up to be her family too.

I had Hudson's head hidden a little so nobody would catch on. "Hey Little Momma." I whispered, "I think baby boy is hungry." She went to check her watch, knowing it was off schedule, but I nudged her to look at the tv.

She caught Casey's eye, who winked at his wife, and I passed off the baby. "Headphones are wireless on the side table."

"Thanks Little Ell." She squeezed my fingers.

Nobody even thought twice about me setting at Lauren's house. I felt Dad's eyes on me but one wink in my direction let me know he wouldn't rat out his baby if I 'accidentally' helped myself to decorating supplies.

I was too far in my game to realize Trenton had got up to get more candy, so I was nowhere close to hiding the evidence. "PENALTY!!!" My head snapped up. "What the hell?!" I dropped the piping bag but it was too late. There were groans and mumbles and curses that the 'professional' snuck in.

"Y'all wait...if Aspen's here..." Addi pointed out and everybody's eyes shot to the phone call happening in the other room.

Various forms of 'Casey' 'asshole' big brother' and other greetings were hollered as they ascended on him.

Lauren squeaked out of the crowd and I caught her eye. Sorry. I mouthed. She shrugged knowing that this was his family longer, then looked back at said family and smiled at me. "At least tell me you got some good help in before Maddox ratted on us." I grinned. She was holding her own in the 'competition' fairly well without me. "Hey Momma T?" Lauren looked from my mom to her sleeping baby.

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