ACE -- January 22nd

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      I rolled over to Blue and groaned.  One of those on cloud nine type of groans, because that was hardcore where I was.  I couldn't stop the smile growing on my face.

      I'd finally got him.

      Beau Remington Brighton was mine.

      I grabbed my phone when I got out of the bed to text Bristol.  Beau had moved my jeans and tank to the little table at the end of the bed.

cookiemonster:  you guys can come over now
cookiemonster:  youre gonna lose your shit with this kitchen
cupcaker:  were working our way there.
hunt says you guys need beer and food.  rocky is ready to see blue

      Blue and Rocky hadn't gone 24 hours without seeing each other since birth.  I understood what Bristol was saying...her and I hadn't gone 24 hours without seeing each other neither.

      "Come on Blue.  Let's go find that dad of yours."  As soon as we'd made it down the stairs I didn't really need to hunt for him.  I could hear him.  'SEALs Alpha in charge' Beau was in the kitchen.

      "You think I'm fucking shittin you Brooks?  You know damn well there's nothing fucking here!!  IF you must christen the damn place then you fuckers have to provide fucking everything!!!  The food, the beer, the plates...cups, pickles, ice...everything."

      He paused a second to listen to whatever Brooks was saying so I came up behind him and kissed his back.  He'd moved some of the boxes from his truck inside.  His fist was clenched and grinding into the kitchen counter, pissed was an understatement.

      Beau just reached around his back and pulled me to the front then sat me on the counter so he was standing between my legs.  He kissed my forehead before turning back on Brooks.  "No go asshole.  This was your fucking doing so you get to clean it up.  You might as well get us groceries too."  I could hear a groan from the phone cradled on his shoulder, which made me grin.  "Fix it Brooks.  And I swear to fuck...if she takes keys and some of you motherfuckers stay here tonight...I will make you pay in hellish fucking proportions.  Ways I haven't even thought of yet.  Yes I know I'm not your team leader...should have thought about that before you let everybody from Alpha 1 to Charlie 6 know our doors were open.  You fucking hear me?"

      He threw the phone across the house so it landed on the couch.  He'd probably need a new one because the couch from the kitchen was a long throw.  "I'm sorry."

      I just wound my legs around his hips.  "For..."

      "All I wanted was 10 days...10 fucking days where it was just me and you."  He leaned down and kissed me.  "Now not even 24 hours and the place is gonna be filled with teams and girlfriends and wives..."

      "Hey.  If you don't want girlfriends and wives, I'm sure Bristol and I can make ourselves scarce."

      He growled and looked down at me.  "You better fucking not.  I'd probably lose my shit quicker."  That was no joke.  He would lose it within the first hour, if that long.  "I just wanted it to be us."

      "Why?  You're purty stuck on that."

      "Because ACE...the last month....that was anything but calm.  Literally every fucking turn there was something happening.  Christmas, New Years, getting stabbed, Hunter and Bristol, fucking Walker, busting down your door and the cutting, the bars..  Helping Mom with her appointments and finalizing financial things."  He sighed big time.  "I think the highlight of the whole trip was your birthday.  Sue me if I wanted to give you some days that were just low key quiet."

      "You mean....10 days of me walking around here naked for your pleasure."

      That got me a grin.  "I mean...if that's what you wanted to do.  I definitely wouldn't tell you no.  It is our  house after all."  He was already running his hands up my thighs.

      "Listen.   Me and you?  We're always gonna be intense.  Hell, we've always been intense.  Not as intense as the last month granted...but we wouldn't be us otherwise.  So let's just get thru tonight.  H and Bristol are on their way then we'll get thru the night.   You can do whatever you want with me tomorrow.  It's no big deal."  I was running my fingers up and down his abs.   His eyes were changing colors and I knew what I was doing to him.

      "ACE..."  There's that growly voice I love.


      "I know for a fact that you're beyond sore, so do not tempt me to take you on this counter."

      I smirked.  "I just said the first time  wouldn't be on a kitchen counter..."  He squeezed my ass.  "Okay.  Okay.   I'll control myself.  Perfect little wife coming up.  You should put a shirt on.  Get thru tonight then I'll set boundaries with those guys, okay?"  Beau leaned down again and kissed me.  "Now.  Let's circle back to the part of the morning where you told me you haven't been living here."

      "Ahh..."  He rubbed his neck and helped me off the counter.  "I was hoping I fucked that little tidbit out of your head."  I gave him my best 'you know me better than that ' look.  I was on a mission to have a better walk thru of the entire place, because it was massive.  "I didn't build the place for me.  I built it for us.  So I just kept staying at the other house.  Helped Hunt with his building process too."

      I whipped my head back to look at him.  "What?  I'm gonna double circle back to that last part."

      "I'll tell you after Bris is gone because she can't know."

      I nodded.   "So you built the place..."

      "Kinda.  Yeah.  I mean the house was already here.  It just seemed like a no brainer.  I have the money, fucking stupid ridiculous amount of money honestly...once I tore it down to the studs that's all I could picture.  I couldn't go into a room without seeing how you would look in it.  Or picturing what you would do with it.  The more time that passed without me hearing about you, or from you, the more time I put into this place.  I think that was a driving point with Jason when he kicked my ass.  I was building us a home but I wasn't giving you the time of day.  I didn't want to stay here unless you were here too."  He shrugged.  "So...there's furniture and the utilities work food or homey touches because you weren't here ACE."

      I stopped in whatever room I was in now and turned around to him.  Slid my hands up and tiptoed to reach the back of his head to pull it down so I could kiss him.  He just let me know that in the two years where he was doing whatever it was that he needed to do to find himself...deep down or his subconscious whatever, he never gave up on us either.

      Just like I hadn't.

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