ACE -- January 3rd

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I groaned looking at my phone, which made Beau look at me questioning. "Jolene. She's pestering me bout Grams and Pap. Something bout how its die or die and they need to see me? I feel like she's being dramatic."

Beau laughed. "What exactly constitutes as dramatic to you because I recall...sometime last night you said I was dramatic."

I tapped my finger to my chin, thinking. " maybe...I was wrong...dramatic is not a word I would use to describe last night. But Jolene is definitely being dramatic right now. Die or die? Who says that?"

"You Unblood sisters, that's who." I glared at him. "I can think of two times off the top of my head ACE, that you have used that exact phrase with me over the years."

Well that had to be a lie. I rolled my eyes. "Wanna come with me?"

He shook his head. "I can drop you off on my way to drag things out of H."

" you've noticed something has happened with him and Bris too?" He nodded. My phone beeped again but it wasn't Jolene's tone. I groaned for a whole other reason now. "I need to tell you something." I straddled Beau and his hands instinctively went to my hips, moving them under my shirt drawing little circles. "It's nothing bad so please stop looking at me with that face that you probably don't even know you're making. Last night..."

He froze. "ACE...."

I pressed into him and kissed him hard. I needed him to know how undeniably perfect he made me feel last night but I also needed him to know why my brain freaked out a minute. "Stop instantly regretting things every time I mention last night. That does things to a girl's pride."

He laughed. "Sorry Love. You were perfect. You are perfect. Seriously. I wasn't even inside you and you brought me to my knees just watching you come. I don't regret any of it." His voice had changed deeper to the sex one he had last night.

I squirmed, gaining another laugh. "Imma need you to shh or I'll beg you to repeat last night right here right now."

"You won't hear any complaints from me Baby. If that's what you want, who am I to deny you?" He had his evil smirk on and an eyebrow raised. I could feel him getting hard, and he made no moves on hiding it.

"uugghh... Beau Remington Brighton..." He laughed yet again. "How is that a turn on?!"

"There are a lot of things that come out of your mouth that turn me on in ways I never thought were possible, Aspen Carlee." Well then. Straddling him was definitely not the right thing to do while trying to tell him about last night. I went to move off him and he just gripped tighter and held me in place. "Don't you dare." Growly Alpha. "I'll try to behave. Please, go on about last night."

"My brain kinda took over for a second."

He nodded. "I vaguely remember that part."

"I'm sorry for that. I don't know why I thought that about you. I know you wouldn't take any of my firsts and then that be that. I know you better than that and you didn't deserve that questioning from me."

"Its okay ACE. I haven't exactly been your perfect Beau in the last two years. You can question me all you want. Just means I'll show you that you're wrong."

"Another promise?" I used his words that he told me on Christmas Eve.

He smiled. "You can pretty much guarantee that all your firsts sexually Ace, are promised to happen with me."

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