ACE -- January 4th

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It was the sound of somebody's phone beeping that woke me up. It was apparently just a text because it stopped as quick as it started. I didn't know how early it was but I rolled over and pressed my front into Beau's side, throwing my leg over his so I could get even closer. I started to trace the tattoos on his collar bone, smiling when my brain registered the ring that was on my finger.

That had actually happened.

I started to trace down his body. Down over his peck, moved across his chest to the other peck, down over one side of his abs...and then the other. I don't think I'd actually ever be able to catch up with him and my brothers with tattoos. If we were counting all the tatts then it would be Bristol and me against the brothers, Beau, Chad, Dec...well honestly, I think all our guys had ink beside Weston. So it was a losing battle.

I had traced all the way to the edge of the covers around him. I stopped, contemplating, then said fuck it and lowered my hand under my duvet. My fingers hit the edge of the waist band on his shorts when his right hand grabbed my wrist. "Hands, Ellington."

Beau's voice was deep and full of sleep, instantly turning me on. "hhhmmm??"

"Don't hmm me. I'm awake." He brought my hand back up to his chest, then ran his hand thru his hair, placing it behind his head. Good morning sexy muscles.

"Oh. Can I kiss you then?" I smiled up at him, putting my chin on my hand so it wouldn't dig into his chest.

He rolled his head to the side so he could look at me. "I would definitely appreciate it."

I scooted up, dragging my leg against his, brushing against him earning me the lowest of moans. I went to kissing up his neck. "You asked me to change the title last night." I kissed over his jaw.

He caught my left hand again and brought it up so he could look at it. Playing with my fingers a little, he held on to my ring finger so both of us could see the diamonds that now sat there. "And you said yes."

I moved to straddling and ground into him a little just to be evil. "I was purty sure I had dreamed it."

He dugs his hands into my hips to stop me. I could feel him. However hard he woke up, I was making it worse. "Not a dream ACE. It's official. Your last name is gonna be mine."

I stretched out slow, leveling my whole body out so I was laying on top of him now and started to trace another tattoo. His jaw clenched, trying to stay in control...or what little he had left. "You sure you want me that long? Forever?"

Beau moved his hands down my sides and up under his shirt then gripped my ass. "There are so many things that I want with you ACE, but...locking you in for forever? That's one thing I've never been more sure about in my entire life." I kissed his neck, then moved my body up some more, earning another moan, and kissed him on the lips. He moved one of his hands up the rest of my back and pressed me more onto him, deepening the kiss. I would honestly let him do anything to me if he asked right now.

Sooner than I wanted, Beau rolled me so I was under him and broke away. "I love you ACE, but I swear, you are not playing nice this morning. There are certain firsts that I would like to wait for...but if you keep playing I'm going to lose all control." I heard the words he was saying, I understood them even, but my brain? It had other plans. I walked my fingers up over his chest, over his shoulder and buried them in his hair trying to pull his face back to mine. I could feel the growl vibrating thru his entire body against mine. "Aspen Carlee..." He had his possessive Alpha and sex voice mixed together.

"Beau Remington..." Honestly if he just didn't let me see the absolute control I had over him when I teased...then I wouldn't tease. Maybe.

He grabbed my hands and held them over my head then put both of his knees on either side of my legs. I was turned on. Damnit. "I swear..." That was all he said... both of our heads were messed up and wanted much different things than me to actually stop edging him on. I could see it in his eyes that I was sure mine were mirroring--complete desire. He leaned down and kissed me hard then stood up, "I need to shower."

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