ACE--December 20th

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     The night was utterly perfect.  After Beau's mom got over being mad at me.  It didn't really take long because her baby boy was home.  And he was home for a long minute.

     I tried to focus.  I tried to stay in the present.  But no matter what I fingers were itching.  My wrist was burning.  My brain was screaming.

     I needed to get out of here and sustain my vice.

     My heart was hurting.  Bleeding.

     Nobody wanted to go to The Jump since it started raining.  Mainly, I think they were scared of Mom and Rosalyn, so everybody stayed at the house.

     It was too loud.  I needed out.  And I needed out now.  Out before I broke my promise.

     The promise I'd made to myself two years back.  Never in my parents' house again.  The image of my dad looking down at my scars, and bloody wrists, broken, while I was in a hospital bed blared to the front of my brain.  I'd disappointed him.

     Yup.  Gotta bolt.  Now.

     I needed the pain.  I needed to bring myself back.  When my brain locked on to Archer earlier tonight, it was a losing battle for me.

     I bolted out of my chair, gaining me looks from the two dogs in attendance tonight.  "Boys.  Stay."  Both pups laid their heads back down.

     Once I grabbed the jeep keys I slipped out the back and ran.

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