BRB -- January 2nd

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      She had her shirt off before both feet were in the door.  "What are you doing ACE?"

      "I forgot why I stopped wearing this shirt...ugh...the tags are annoying as fuck."  She had the shirt inside out and spread across the island, pair of scissors in her hand..  she wasn't wrong, the tags were way longer than necessary.

     I left my shoes and the door and walked over to her.  "You Aspen threw me under the bus tonight."

      "What?"  She didn't even try to cover her pretend shock.  "I would never."  Horrible actress really.

      "You did.  Told Mom that it was my fault we were late."

      She had the smallest smirk tugging at the side of her mouth.  "I feel like you're being a little dramatic there B."  She was moving to the other side of the island opposite of me, knowing exactly what game we were playing.

      "I've been called a lot of things A but...dramatic isn't one."  I even my gaze.

      "Things can change."  Aspen just shrugged, backing up a little to the stairs.

      I took one step around the island and she darted upstairs to her room.  She thought she was winning....thought she was faster because she was tiny.  I had longer legs and was behind her half a second later.

      She tried to get into her closet to hide, but she wasn't fast enough.  I had her pinned, my chest against her back, against the door.  'You actually..."  I slowly swiped her hair over her shoulder, dragging my fingers lightly over her neck.  "Have made this entire night quite..."  I went to kissing her.  "Unbearable."

     She slowly turned around to face me with a grin. There was no use trying to hide just how deep my voice had got from the kitchen to her bedroom.  "Poor poor Beau.  You didn't have to stay.  It is usually a dinner for me and your mom."

      I put my lips back on her neck.  "You know what I mean Aspen..."  I curled my fingers around her hips and pushed into her a little more.  "I never pegged you for one to tease.  It's not fair."

      "I don't tease..."  She tilted her head giving me more access to her neck.  I was 99% sure she did it involuntary.  Her body just subconsciously responding to me.  "It's not like tonight was the first time since you've been home....mmmmmmmmm...."  Now I was teasing her.  Neck kisses were her thing.  For now.  They were only her thing for now because she hadn't had anything else.  "You think I wore anything under the black dress you loved so much?"  I bit the bottom of her ear.  That black dress had me heard the entire night.  "Or the leggings on Christmas eve?  The skirt the night..."  She couldn't finish.

      I pulled back and held her face.  I knew what she was thinking.  The night I got stabbed in front of her.  "Did you just make a list of all the nights you openly tortured me?"   I knew my eyes were probably black.  I wanted her...and even that was an understatement.

      She smiled.  "It seems like I didn't torture you enough because you seem to have made it out just fine."

      "You think this is making it out just fine?"  I molded my body into hers a little more and moved my hips, letting her feel how not fine I was.   I was hard.  "There are only so many things a guy can think of to distract himself from getting hard in front of his mother made me run thru that list within the first half hour."  My voice was rough.

      "Oh."  She actually sounded sorry.

      I ran my hands down her body again, 'accidentally' letting one hand 'slip' and lightly grazed over the front of her leggings.  She responded just how I imagined she would and pushed her hips a little forward.  I grinned.  "Do you know how many times you bent over tonight?  It fuckin wrecked me."

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