ACE -- December 27th

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      "You want me to go with Twin?"  Bristol hollered from her spot next to Hunter, over the music.

      I just shook my head and made my way down from the VIP section Eli had set aside for all of us, to the bar.  I needed to clear my head from the feeling of somebody other than Beau having their eyes on me all night.  Bars and clubs were not my thing.  But the guys were blowing off steam on leave.

      I'd told Chad how many beers I was needing.  He was a friend of sorts.  Eli, the one who owned the place, was a cousin of Casey's and had been turning a blind eye to most of us Unblood sisters before we turned 21.  The main bouncer, Dallas, was cousins with Wyatt.  They'd never serve us but they'd always let us stay and have fun.

      Chad was popping tops off when my gut feeling was confirmed.  "hmmmmh.  Aren't you a little gorgeous thing?"  Damnit.  I should not have volunteered to get their drinks.  This sleaze had been waiting for just the right time to come over.  I could feel his eyes rake me over.  Gag me.  "Why don't I buy you a drink?"

      I moved over slightly to put space between us.  "I'm not drinking tonight."  I smiled tightly.

      He moved right back.  "Awe come on.  You're up here at the bar so you have to be drinking.  One drink."  This is why I don't fucking come to these places. Once guys hit their mark in alcohol their bravado just come out in waves.  Or maybe he was just a douche all the way around with no alcohol.  My guess was the latter.  He was persistent, I'd give him that.

      "No thank you."  I ground out.  I was losing my chill rather quickly...and regretting wearing the whole outfit I'd picked out for tonight.  I couldn't decide if taking Bristol up on her offer to come with me would have helped this blasted situation or made it worse.

      This sleaze was too close in my space.  " wound me."  I definitely did not like being called baby by him.  No.  Thank.  You.  "Tell me what you're drinking."  And then he did the unthinkable and grabbed my ass trying to pull me to him all the way.  Nope.  No.  Just no.  Fucking drunk douche canoes.

      Fucking clubs.  I looked over at Chad, letting this guy have my ass longer than I liked or at all, and with no hesitation from him...I pried the fingers from my ass, twisted his arm behind his back and slammed his head on to the bar top.   "Listen bitch.  I'm not sure if I slipped into another language in the three words I said to you or if you just can't take a fucking hint.  But I do know that NO is a universal word and that should have been your clue to leave me the fuck alone.  I'm not your baby, I don't want your fucking drink and I swear...if you ever try to touch me again..."  I smashed his face a little harder into the bar.  "Me making you look like the helpless manwhore that you are is going to be the least of your worries."  This time I pulled his arm back further behind his back just for shits and giggles, wound his pride a little more, embarrass him...whatever the reason...and I heard him hiss a little.

      I grabbed the guys' beer and went back to where they were all hanging around upstairs.  I put the bottles on the table trying to shake off what just happened.  I know I involuntarily shook, like Blue when he gets out of the bathtub.   That guy gave me serious vibes.

      "Thanks Baby."   I flinched.  I knew it wasn't the guy from downstairs but still...I flinched.  Beau was on me in a heartbeat.  "Hey."  He ran his thumb over my jaw.  "It's just me."  He pushed my hair off my shoulder running his hand down my back ever so lightly.  He had his other hand curled around my waist.  He was squatting a little so he could look me in the face.  "Hey.  You're shaking.  What happened down there?"

      "What?  Oh.  Nothing.  I'm fine.  Just really don't like these places anymore."  I don't know why I even tried lying to him.

      "Well that's a lie if I ever fucking heard one.  What happened?"  He slipped his finger under my chin and tilted it so I had to look him in the eyes.

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