BRB -- January 13th

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      The music was blaring, even thru the garage walls.  Like mind numbing, windows rattling blaring.  Jesus fuck, Aspen.  

      This could only mean that today was not a good day for her.  Something had happened and she needed to numb her entire brain.  And everybody else's brain in a 30 mile radius apparently.

      I noticed the screen door was open and the house was chilly.  Blue was outside doing whatever he does...flopping around on his back, wiggling, swimming.  Just all around being a weirdo and not at all phased by the music.  Also not at all on guard duty because he didn't even notice I was standing on the deck watching him.  Perfect.  What's the point of having a fucking guard dog?

      He knew his boundaries so I left him outside to do his weirdo things.  The music was originating from the basement.  Steeling myself off to go see whatever was happening with my girl I headed down the stairs.

      "You're getting piss poor Little Sis.  That's a shit stance and you know it."  Chris was screaming.

      What the fuck?

      "Why don't you get out from behind the bag Bub and I'll show you what piss poor feels like."

      "Did you have a new cookie recipe flop?"  I couldn't help but grin at Chris's response. 

      With that simple jab, Aspen spun and kicked the bag high and hard.  I had no idea what I had walked in on, but I semi enjoyed watching it play out.  I'd never actually seen her do any other work outs beside yoga.  That in itself was a turn on, but something about watching her kicking and punching the shit out of Chris's boxing bag...

      "Listen here you fucker...we all know I haven't had a recipe flop in 12 years.  Shut your dirty mouth."  There's my sexy, feisty fiancé. I remembered that flop she had.  It honestly tasted like straight up dog shit.  That was not a good day for anybody to be around Aspen, after she found out how we felt about it.  

      I got closer to Aspen and cleared my throat.  Her whole body relaxed as she turned to face me, grinning.  "I have no idea what I'm watching but you fighting is sexy."  I slid my hands across her naked hips and smiled down at her.  "As long as you're not fighting me that is."

      She tiptoed up to kiss me.  "With the way she was going today, you're completely safe Brighton.  Piss poor."  Chris had a frown and shook his head.

      "So she's not going to be in a cage match any time soon?"  I knew if pushed hard enough she probably could take on somebody in a cage match.  Chris just turned the music down and huffed.

      "I think I was doing completely fine.  Him on the other hand....something mighty big has crawled up his ass and he can't handle it."  I choked on a laugh and heard Chris growl.  

      "Whatever.  I'm going home and showering.  Night shift tonight."  He stomped up the stairs.  Aspen was right.  Something had crawled up his ass and he was doing a piss poor job at handling it.  It was either one of two things.  Work or Leah Belle.

      "Hey."  Before Chris could even make it to the door, Aspen had latched herself to his back.  "Thanks for the stress relief, even though it worked opposite with you."

      He had her flipped and smashed to his front in a bone breaking hug.  You could see the tension leaving his ginormous frame.  "Anytime Little Sis."

      It was weird to watch these two interact.  Sure they'd grown up together too but something had changed while I was gone...that much was certain.  I still couldn't figure it out.  Something Chris said was nagging at the back of my head.  Something he'd said about her staying with him.

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