I pulled my attention away from clanking of the sword and looked over the inked words of the page, searing it into my brain. Reading them and doing them once was enough - it seemed like this was like riding a bicycle that I forgot to ride without ever knowing I knew or forgot to ride one.

I closed my eyes and took a cleansing breath before repeating the words. Instantly, the pressure of the plane relieved and birds began chirping like the spring awoke them. I opened one eye to ensure I didn't set the plane on fire - which has happened before.

I could see the man relax his stance and look up at the sky. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath before letting out a small laugh. The rain ceased and the sun made his skin glow like gold. He dropped the sword to the ground before taking a seat to the ground and laying down. His chest rapidly going up and down from the work he was putting into the sword.

"I could feel your eyes," I heard him yell from across the field. I pulled my eyes away from his body laying in the grass. "Come, you have to be bored with keeping your nose in that book." He sat up, looking at me - his lips tugged up into a smirk. His head came up looking at me from a distance. I huffed before slamming the book shut - arrogant aren't you?

I walked the wooden steps and walked towards the man in the grass. The grass scraping against my leg before taking a seat a few feet away from him. He looked up at the sky and huffed trying to figure out the words to make it less awkward between us.

"We did not get off to the right start," a slight accent fell from his lips as his eyes grazed over my face. He reached his hand over to me, holding it out to me to take. "I'm Riley Thornton," his lips grazed the top of my hand before letting go of it. My cheeks burned at the gesture - my father warned me that he grew up in a world of old ways and chivalry. His eye brows knitted up, "I'm sorry." He let out a chuckle.

"I'm Cassie." The words escaped my mouth quick before looking at the ground next to me. He lifted himself off the ground before getting to his feet and walking away closing the distance between him and the small barn next to his dwelling. He came back with something wrapped in a purple cloth. He sat criss-crossed from me placing the item in front of me.

He looked at me, gesturing his eyes toward the item before letting out a slight breath and reaching down. I reached down quickly - our hands slightly grazing each other. Before being able to pull my hand away from his my vision pulled - images flashing before me like a flash back.

Hands covered in mitts pounded the sword that glimmered a bright orange - burning from the heat it just came from. The vision panned out showing a blurred image of Riley wiping sweat from his brow with his forearm. Black streaks covering his cheeks from a long days work.

More images flashed before me showing a dark figure making his way through the dark with the moonlight leading his way. He made it to a mouth of a cave putting the sword down in the dirt before stepping away. A long slim hand cloaked reached out. Grabbing the handle and the flat aspect of the sword.

The sword was placed on an offering table made of all sorts of wild flowers and gemstones. Mumbling took over my ears and mind before water that glimmered a translucent glowing purple poured over the sword. Causing the sword to transform. It was then quickly covered and handed back to masculine hands.

My hands pulled away as well as his before he looked at me. "I'm sorry," I mumbled to him before he scooted away from me. "What was that," I questioned keeping my hands off the weapon that was exposed to me. He cleared his throat before looking at me. I squinted at him trying to make the story fall from his lips. "Was that you?" I questioned further.

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