I Love You So

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The leaves on the trees were full now, creating a lush scene in front of our house as it was now the middle of summer. The hot sun beamed down on me as I walked through the forest to where my love lay at last. It was all a mystery to me when this happened. At first, I was in denial about the whole thing. My child is now 16 and was devastated, just like me. 11 years ago, nobody would have thought this would have happened. But it did, and it was over now. Coming upon the big headstone with "Michael Myers, Best Friend, and Loving Husband." It made me tear up, missing him with all my heart. I guess his supernatural abilities weren't enough to keep him alive after all. Let's just say my child took Michael's mask and wore it sometimes. When he did, it made me so proud of him. To turn out just like his father made me so happy. As I placed the rose on top of Michael's grave, a huge gust of wind flew past me. Thoughts rushed through my head, making me believe that was a sign from him letting me know he was watching over me.

Jack was just like any other teenage boy, but smarter. He had brown eyes and curly brown hair. Jack was about 5 feet taller than me. I say he will be almost as tall as Michael. Once Jack turned 14, that was when he first started training. At first he was scared and would come crying to me when I told his dad to teach him. Yes, Michael was still alive when he died months after. I don't think Jack was attached to him at all until after they finally went hunting on their own, a day after he came crying to me about all the blood and not wanting to hurt anymore. Not that his thinking is like that now. Jack was like Michael's twin now. He was persistent in what he did. Killing. He's been at it these past two years, stalking through the woods wearing his dad's mask. He only wears it when he's hunting people. I think he kind of gets upset when I take it because he really bonded with Michael. Now, Corey and Jack got along very well from the start. I think Jack thinks Corey is more like a dad because Michael never said one word to him, and maybe that confused him as to why he never talked. Corey still takes his role seriously when it comes to my boy. He's always making sure he's safe and even goes along with him when he heads out.

Corey would never mention Michael, but I knew he got lonely sometimes. He didn't have to say it because it all showed on his face. Sometimes when I visited Michael's grave, Corey would be there, sitting with Michael's mask. I think he was afraid to admit he cared about him and missed him. Hearing someone behind me made me turn around. There stood Jack, holding a gun with blood all over his jacket.

"Corey sent me to find you."

"Is everything alright?"

"One of the girls got away."

"She should be an easy fine. Did you check the house?"


"I have an idea where the girl would have run to. Follow me."

Jack silently followed behind me.

"What is Corey doing?"

"Dealing with the two guys at the house. We tied them up in the basement."

"What's up with you two tying people up down there. Why can't you just kill them."

"I don't know, mom. Ask Corey."

"How did you know I was at that spot?"


"You heard me."

"Mom, you're there every day."

That's right I was at Michael's grave every day, no matter the time of day or if it was storming. I'd be right there with him. Maybe it was getting to be too much.

"I miss him too."

"I know you do, Jack. It'll be okay."

"No, it won't!"

Michael Myers x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now